View Full Version : Your opinion
Kenneth Johnson October 26th, 2007, 08:36 PM Tell me what you think about this link
please be critical
a work in progress
Daniel Ross October 27th, 2007, 02:48 AM Framing:
Why would you leave so much headroom? The palm trees just aren't that interesting. As an establishing shot, it would be fine, perhaps once or twice for the really wide angles, but for the medium shots, I don't see any reason for this. You could keep the same framing on the performers just by zooming in about twice as close and show more detail and leave out the trees; or you could just reframe them at the same zoom level by panning down a bit (not sure what is below, perhaps audience, so this might not work so well).
The song is on the faster side; the editing is not, with the exception of the transitions.
For some reason you have 10-20 second shots, but try to keep a fast paced feel with the transitions. In fact, the shots are generally very low motion, with the camera still and the performers still, except for "elvis" himself. His shots are dynamic enough, but for the rest, some tasteful camera motion or faster cuts would really help.
Ouch. This honestly just screams "hey, wow, look at all these transitions I just found in my editing app!!! COOL!!". So rarely do the majority of transitions actually work in a serious/professional piece, and at least only when used consistently, at that.
Cube spin, ripple warp, strange flipping frame, and other transitions DO NOT belong in this and are both distracting and the mark of an inexperienced editor.
Likewise, using fade out/in transitions here doesn't feel right because the music continues. That transition almost always signifies a change of location or time, certainly not just something at the same time/location with the song continuing. In the case of a music video, more creative transitions can be appropriate, but not extremely graphics heavy ones. I'd suggest, generally, various dissolves (fades, but not to/from black). Music videos also have a weird trend of blending two semi-transparent layers together at times, or doing some split screen work.
Again, there is a strong disconnect between the pace of the transitions (and music) and that of the cuts themselves.
You may have been working with just one camera, but in that case, you should have been doing some more motion with it, I guess. And, if possible, get another next time.
Work hard to find cutaways. If you are creative in your camera work, you can shoot, quickly change the angle/zoom, then later patch that with a shot of the drummer, audience, a wide shot from another time in the show, etc.
The image quality is good, overall, though the green hues on Elvis make him look sickly. I realize this is just the lighting you had to work with, but if you could do anything to that, I'd consider it. Bringing down the green hues a bit with color correction might go a long way. Remember that one's impression of a shot can be quite different when viewing it as a clip or DVD, rather than being there in person. Mood lighting like that when you're actually present can be effective and enveloping. But it may also be just as strongly distracting when viewing the clip later; it just looks like the colors are weird.
It's quite clear and not too bad, but I can certainly tell it was recorded in the room (onboard mic?), not directly from a copy of the song. I'd recommend plugging into their sound system next time (usually they can just run an extra audio out to your camera), and recording some crowd sounds to add in at crucial moments (like the end). Timing up a clean copy of the songs could work too, but that's not preferable (for a few reasons-- work, legality, and that it might not match their copy precisely-- plus, in this case, I guess the performers are actually make the music; it isn't just lip sync, so that wouldn't really apply).
Now it feels like it's incidental music, like a live performance at an event, rather than the actual event itself.
The pictures are a good idea; the transitions aren't great. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing some video, rather than stills. Still can seem like video if done right, but not with water that should be moving. (Fountains.)
In summary, I'd suggest actually making it faster rather than trying to make it seem faster with crazy transitions.
Kenneth Johnson October 27th, 2007, 09:22 AM Daniel
Thank you for your reply and being straight. That is what I asked for and most people would not take the time you did in replying. One question for you,,,, i am part color blind, red/green---- that is part of the problem in color correcting for me. Do you know of any software that can color correct using color numbers? or do you have any suggestions for this???
Thanks for your time and honesty
Daniel Ross October 27th, 2007, 01:52 PM Interesting question.
After Effects and FCP should both be capable of adjusting by numbers, but you'd need some sort of initial representation of the color scheme.
Obviously you'd do this with the RGB channels.
If you could see a histogram of each of the channels, this would be the best info, I think.
Using the levels adjustment in Photoshop is the easiest way, and you have just about as much control in AE with that. FCP, though, has less info using it, but the same controls (just less information displayed).
In the end, color correction is a fine art, and not one that I claim to be particularly good at, so you may want to just get a friend to look over your shoulder for that part.
Color correction isn't hard-- it's precise, and arbitrary.
There are a lot of reasons why it can be bad, but no one can really say that will make it good.
I'd suggest looking at the channels individually as much as possible, but that will still be a vague representation of the real image-- if your brain can keep up with something so removed, then great. Otherwise, not sure what to suggest. Maybe there are some suggestions on google or some plugins specifically designed for this
Bill Grant October 27th, 2007, 10:50 PM Kenneth,
Just my 2 cents but, it seemed a bit jumbled musically. I never knew exactly which song I was watching. I would suggest trying to get 2 or 3 whole songs, and use that rather than so many short snippets. I also would like to see a shot of the whole band together. It was hard to tell where they were and exactly what was going on. What camera was this shot with? The clarity is good in the dark area.
Heiko Saele October 29th, 2007, 06:08 PM Just can't seem to d/l your video. I don't know bout MediaFire, but if I can't download without ANY troubles, I won't. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Think of me like I am a grumpy customer - I won't even move my finger one more time. Can't see your video. Well, your loss! (I'm still the customer you're imagining, because I am still happy, but your imaginary customer isnt... ;))
Kenneth Johnson October 29th, 2007, 06:22 PM the camera used was a jvc 5100 and fujinon lens. This was done for some self promotion for the musicians. They give me music for my videos and I film them at location. This whole clip was done with one camera, they understand what happens whit only one camera. As for the editing, hard to do with one camera while moving it around to get different angles. No still camera that night. With only one person I will not leave a camera unattended. The musicians then ask for different segements so they can post on their web space. Do not know what the problem with downloading is with mediafire, I know i had no problem with it, but might be a cookie or your browser.
the jvc has great low light recording with the fujinon lens. I record into an 80 gb hard drive. It is a sweet setup for what I do. I am in the process of making cooking videos, dvd and web download
thanks all for your input
try this link