View Full Version : Sony NP-F970 battery vs. generic

David Decker
October 26th, 2007, 11:16 AM
I am wondering if anyone has used any "generic" replacement batteries for the Sony NP-970. I see there are many available (along with chargers) at a fraction of the Sony price, and am wondering if there is much difference people are seeing - understanding buyer beware of course.

If anyone has had good luck, any suggestions for a vendor of these.

Just trying to stretch my equipment budget, and recording times!


Ethan Cooper
October 26th, 2007, 11:41 AM
I have both sony 970's and brand x 970's and I can't tell much of a difference in them. If you ask me, the el chepo 970's might even last a little longer than the Sony's. I don't have scientific proof of this, but it just seems that way.
I wish I could tell you what brand I have, but I don't remember. I think I have 2 different brands other than Sony and am happy with both.
Your mileage may vary.

Now explain this one to me...
I just looked on B&H and found the Sony 970 for $104.95 OR you can buy the special B&H 2 pack for $249.95. What??!!??
The Impact 970 lists for $79.95 on B&H. That's one of the ones I have and am happy with.

I see that there is a B&H competitor who has some 970 knock offs for $54.95. Anyone use these? (company name anagram is amaroda)

Boyd Ostroff
October 26th, 2007, 12:09 PM
I've had a Sony 970 and a Power 2000 970 clone for about 2.5 years. Don't really notice any difference in them. However, the only reason I got the clone was that B&H didn't have the Sony's in stock at the time.

Now I also had two genuine Sony 960's and one of them suddenly stopped taking a charge after about 3 years. The other one has still been going strong - bought them both in 2001. However, just yesterday I noticed that my 960 was completely dead. I haven't used it in several months, so it may just need charging.

Tip McPartland
October 26th, 2007, 02:13 PM
I have both 970 batteries and clones, and the clones seem fine but Sony has rigged their on-camera LED light so it won't work with the clones.


Alex Dolgin
October 28th, 2007, 06:05 PM
I have both 970 batteries and clones, and the clones seem fine but Sony has rigged their on-camera LED light so it won't work with the clones.

Not all clones are the same. Lenmar LIS970 has a new chip, works with the hvl-lbp LED light besides the cameras.

Tip McPartland
October 29th, 2007, 01:20 PM
I love it when the good guys win!


Ethan Cooper
October 29th, 2007, 01:33 PM
The Lenmar LIS970P's are listed with an MSRP of $119.95 from Lenmar's own site and are rated at 7.2V 7800mAh. Anyone have a street price on one of these things?

The Sony Np-970's on B&H are $104.95 and are rated at 7.2V 6600mAh.

The Impact 970's cost $79.95 on B&H and are rated at 7.2V 7000mAh.

Adorama has one listed for $54.95 that is rated at 7.2V 6600mAh.

Alex Dolgin
October 30th, 2007, 03:54 PM
We have a limited number of new LIS970 Lenmar batteries (missing the blister packaging); standard 3 year factory warranty.
*Only $57.00 e.a.*
-sold out

Ethan Cooper
October 30th, 2007, 05:46 PM
We have a limited number of new LIS970 Lenmar batteries (missing the blister packaging); standard 3 year factory warranty.
*Only $57.00 e.a.*

I just ordered 2 of them. Great price, great specs. I hope they live up to my expectations.

Ethan Cooper
November 7th, 2007, 10:16 AM
I recieved my Lenmar 970's from Dolgin yesterday and ran a very unscientific test with them and my other 970's. Here are the "results":

All "tests" were conducted using my trusty old VX2000

Lenmar 970's
Initial startup readout: 601 minutes
Readout after 30 minutes with camera powered and lcd on: 595 minutes

Power 2000 970's
Initial startup readout: 582 minutes
Readout after 30 minutes with camera powered and lcd on: 555 minutes

Sony 970's
Initial startup readout: 560 minutes
Readout after 30 minutes with camera powered and lcd on: 535 minutes

So what have we learned here? Not much. This isn't a real world test. At no point was I operating the camera, so there was no zooming or tape transport draining the batts. All these batteries are of various ages. The Sony is the oldest of the bunch, followed by the Power 2000 and then the Lenmar, so this could very well factor in.

All I know for sure is that $50something bucks from Dolgin for the Lenmars seems to be a steal.

Hugh Mobley
November 7th, 2007, 03:38 PM
I recently paid $35 for the NP 970 and bought a charger too, bought 2 batteries, they have worked fine, no problems at all.

Boyd Ostroff
November 8th, 2007, 02:45 PM
Beware because we've seen reports of counterfeit Sony batteries being sold on eBay before....