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Josh Chesarek
December 3rd, 2007, 05:46 AM
I am on Vista Ultimate 64Bit and am using the app again :)

Benjamin Durin
December 6th, 2007, 11:24 PM
Makes perfect sense to host right here on DVi -- I'll get with Dylan and we'll work it out.

Chris, did you get my email?

Benjamin Durin
December 6th, 2007, 11:25 PM
I am on Vista Ultimate 64Bit and am using the app again :)

Cool Josh, the next version (I hope to release it next week) should also work fine with Leopard.

Josh Chesarek
December 7th, 2007, 05:11 AM
Cool Josh, the next version (I hope to release it next week) should also work fine with Leopard.

Did adobe all ready release the new AIR version for leopard?

Benjamin Durin
December 7th, 2007, 08:14 AM
Did adobe all ready release the new AIR version for leopard?

Not yet, but soon ;)

Sean McHenry
December 7th, 2007, 09:24 AM
I don't think we have met but I used to hang around here a lot a few challenges ago. I have uploaded the one missing DVChallenge piece (thanks to Martin) to YouTube along with my other pieces. I was in DVC2 through DVC8 I believe. You can parse away on my pieces if you like. Does the viewer do the search or do you have to "push" the info to it?

I need to look into this app as this is something we might make use of at work. You can find all my pieces, hopefully tagged correctly under DeepBlueEdit on Youtube.

Feel free to let me know if you can't find them or I need to do something different for you. Great idea this app. Might go better embedded in a web page but I don't know if that's possible. This is the first I have seen anyone work with it. Good job.


Sean (at) - if you need anything more from me.

Chris Hurd
December 7th, 2007, 09:36 AM
Chris, did you get my email?Yes I did, but you haven't received a reply yet because I'm way behind on email. I've been out of town for several days and am still trying to get caught up -- will answer you a.s.a.p.,

Benjamin Durin
December 8th, 2007, 02:14 AM
Sean, yes I remember you. I was just telling myself recently that you didn't participate in a DVC for a long time. Then I saw your post and now I know why.

For the program, this is how it works. It will look for Youtube videos with the tag "thedvchallenge" and "DVC1" or "DVC2", etc. So I don't need to push the videos but they must be correctly tagged.

Your entries seem to be tagged fine but it always need some time before it is available in Youtube's feeds (and even more in Taiwan!).

With a few modifications, this program could be embedded in a web page as a Flash movie actually. I prefer having it as a desktop program but if several persons tell me they'd like a web version, I will start thinking about it.

Benjamin Durin
December 8th, 2007, 04:25 AM
Sean, I can see your entries in the program, even in Taiwan yes.
So it's all good.

In the next version, winning entries will have a medal...

Benjamin Durin
December 13th, 2007, 01:57 AM
Chris, still behind on email?
The new version is ready to be launched, only waiting for you. Do you feel the pressure? Not yet?
Well, the DVC 11 is about to finish and everybody will want to use the DVC Entry Viewer to view the entries. Even those who didn't participate. Mmmh, that's a huge pressure.
I am sure it is already too much to bear now. Time to press 'refresh' for my email...

Benjamin Durin
December 16th, 2007, 09:19 PM
I received a lot of emails from Chris saying the pressure was unbearable. I am a kind soul so I will relieve him from this terrible pressure by publishing the new version right now.
Well, the truth is I wanted to enable the automatic update process and I was waiting for the program to be hosted on DVi for this. But I suddenly realised that I am completely stupid and there is a way to implement the automatic update now.

As Adobe released a new version of AIR last week, now is a good time to have a new DVC Entry Viewer.
I suggest you first uninstall the DVC Entry Viewer if you already have it. Then go to the download page ( If you don't have the latest Flash player, you will be asked if you want to install it. Then you can press "Install now" and it will install the new version of AIR and the new version of DVC Entry Viewer (it is less complicated than it sounds).

So what new features will you find?
- Auto update: when a new version of DVC Entry Viewer is available, it will be automatically downloaded and installed. Right now this function is pretty raw as the user is never prompted for anything but I will refine it later.
- DVC order: the first time the program is run, the DVC will appear in the order they are found, starting from 1. In subsequent launches, the DVC will be displayed in descending order so the last DVC will always appear first.
- Status bar: there is some information in the status bar. It will tell you if there was errors, etc. You have a 'Refresh' button at the right top to retry reading information from Youtube in case of errors.
- Voting: there are 2 buttons to sort the entries by vote (ascending/descending). Clicking on the 'View top 3' will open a window displaying the first three entries (by your votes). There you can copy them to the clipboard or it can make a new mail using your default mailing program (not web-based).
- Author details: clicking on the author name will open a new window displaying details about the author. This information is the public information available from Youtube. So only what the author made available is displayed.
- Map: this is one of my preffered new features. If an entry has geodata, there will be a magnifying glass next to 'duration'. Clicking on the magnifying glass will open a new window showing where the entry was shot (with Google maps). The map is interactive, you can zoom, move, etc. See DVC2 or DVC10 for entries with a map.

Hope you enjoy this new version and as usual I am waiting for your feedback.


Lorinda Norton
December 16th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Ah, the new one runs smooooth, Benjamin. Map feature is cool, too! Nice job.

Josh Chesarek
December 16th, 2007, 11:31 PM
Working on Leopard now. Looks good :) All ready see one entry for 11.

Josh Chesarek
December 17th, 2007, 09:02 AM
Next feature that might be worth working in is to have the program ignore entries until the day they are posted. Not sure of the best way to do this but it would prevent me from easily watching the other videos before I am supposed to :p

Benjamin Durin
December 18th, 2007, 03:31 AM
Lorinda, thanks. But why your entries don't have geodata? Mmh? ;)

Josh, it's a good idea but I don't know how to do that. I don't want to have to manually enable entries for each DVC, I think it's better if everything is automated. This way, if I am sick or travelling, the program will still be working. If you have ideasfor the implementation, come on, I am listening.

Oh, I am preparing a minor update so if the program suddenly closes by itself this week, it means it is doing the update.


Josh Chesarek
December 19th, 2007, 08:28 AM
Still thinking about possible sollutions. I am currious as to why my video has not showed up in the player. I think I tagged it correctly the final night but still no love?!


Chris Hurd
December 19th, 2007, 09:28 AM
Chris, still behind on email?Most definitely yes I am, and it's always a good idea to keep after me via email because I have an even harder time staying on top of what's happening around here. So, my apologies for dropping the ball on this. For future reference, if you don't hear from me by email, please use email instead of the forum to remind me. Hosting the program certainly isn't a problem, it's just a matter of how much I have on my plate at the moment... ideally someone closer to DVC with upload privs to the site could manage this instead of relying on me as the gatekeeper. Again, my apologies.

Benjamin Durin
December 19th, 2007, 09:41 AM
I am currious as to why my video has not showed up in the player. I think I tagged it correctly the final night but still no love?!


It must have been a very long night because, yes, your tags are not correct....
You should have 'DVC11' and 'thedvchallenge' but your entry has 'DVC11' and 'dvchallenge'.
Try again ;)

Benjamin Durin
December 19th, 2007, 09:45 AM
Most definitely yes I am, and it's always a good idea to keep after me via email because I have an even harder time staying on top of what's happening around here. So, my apologies for dropping the ball on this. For future reference, if you don't hear from me by email, please use email instead of the forum to remind me. Hosting the program certainly isn't a problem, it's just a matter of how much I have on my plate at the moment... ideally someone closer to DVC with upload privs to the site could manage this instead of relying on me as the gatekeeper. Again, my apologies.

I don't understand how you manage to keep track of what's going on in the forums. For me you are a kind of god, with an eye on every thread. So no need to apology.
Dylan, do you have upload privileges? If not, who else?


Edward Slonaker
December 19th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Nice effects with the new version. I have a problem. I've edited my info on the two entries I have on YouTube to include "DVC5" and "DVC6" in the respective places, but they're still not showing up on the list. I did this about two weeks ago so there should be lots of time to update the list, right? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your efforts! This is a great program.

[edit] - oh wait, let me try something first....I just saw your post above....
[edit] - just edited the tags again to include "thedvchallenge"....we'll see if that helps....

Josh Chesarek
December 19th, 2007, 10:26 AM
It must have been a very long night because, yes, your tags are not correct....
You should have 'DVC11' and 'thedvchallenge' but your entry has 'DVC11' and 'dvchallenge'.
Try again ;)

You have to have BOTH tags to get in? Ahhh did not know that... K...

Lorinda Norton
December 19th, 2007, 10:33 AM
Yeah, I didn't know that either, and wondered why my latest hadn't shown up. Must've been dumb luck that my others got tagged correctly.

Benjamin Durin
December 31st, 2007, 03:28 AM
Sorry for being so late to reply but my wife gave birth to a girl ten days ago. It was a little sooner than expected so I am kind of busy since then. For those who care to know, both the mother and the child are fine.

I didn't have time to update the program as I had promised. There was a last minute bug and I didn't find time to work on it. The next upgrade will be released... well, when I have time.

Seems like a lot of people can't remember the keywords needed. I will add them at the end of each of my posts from now, maybe that will help.

Tags (or keywords) needed: "thedvchallenge" and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.


Josh Chesarek
December 31st, 2007, 06:49 AM
Sorry for being so late to reply but my wife gave birth to a girl ten days ago.... For those who care to know, both the mother and the child are fine.


Congratulations! Take time off! You deserve it! We all know the little bundle of joy will keep you busy for the time to come :)

Congratulations again!

Lorinda Norton
December 31st, 2007, 10:38 AM
Congratulations, Benjamin!

So, your little fella has a baby sister...that's great. I hope you're all having lots of fun and getting a little rest now and then. :)

Benjamin Durin
February 24th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Now that all the family is comfortably installed in a routine at home, I am ready to publish a minor update.
But since it seems the hosting at DVi will not happen, I am asking Josh if your kind offer is still valid, can you contact me via my profile please?

And thanks for the congtratulations, the baby is growing as fast as her brother.

Reminder: Tags (or keywords) needed: "thedvchallenge" and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.

Josh Chesarek
March 2nd, 2008, 11:02 PM
Sorry, have not kept up to date with this thread as of late, I have emailed you about hosting.

Jesse Steele
March 4th, 2008, 04:22 PM
the viewer is awesome! I only have one complaint!! my dvc 9 entry isn't listed? " person?"

Looks great though!

Benjamin Durin
March 4th, 2008, 07:42 PM
the viewer is awesome! I only have one complaint!! my dvc 9 entry isn't listed? " person?"

Looks great though!

Thanks Jesse!

You have one keyword right: "dvc9" and one almost right: "dvchallenge". It should be "thedvchallenge".

Benjamin Durin
March 4th, 2008, 08:56 PM
I finally released the new version I promised a while ago. I decided to make it a 1.0 version not because there are major changes but because Adobe released AIR 1.0 (
The program should update itself automatically if you wait long enough but I couldn't properly test this. If it doesn't work, you can simply install the new version from the website ( where Josh is kindly hosting the DVC Entry Viewer install files (yes, he is paying the bandwith from his pocket). Thank you Josh!

And if you really have trouble installing the new version, just uninstall the previous one.

Reminder: Youtube tags (or keywords) needed: "thedvchallenge" and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.

Jesse Steele
March 5th, 2008, 01:06 PM
well blow me down ucgk ucgk ucgk....

I'll fix that!
what a doofus!

Benjamin Durin
March 6th, 2008, 02:05 AM
well blow me down ucgk ucgk ucgk....

I'll fix that!
what a doofus!

Don't worry, you are not the first one!
And it is why I made a test, trying to search for dvchallenge OR thedvchallenge. I was not sure it would work with Youtube. Not only it works but it found 3 more videos for DVC9.
So expect a minor update soon...

Reminder: Youtube tags (or keywords) needed: "dvchallenge" or "thedvchallenge", and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.

Benjamin Durin
March 7th, 2008, 02:56 AM
I just saw that Youtube is reencoding its videos at higher quality (
It improves a lot the video delivered on Youtube if the source is good. I suggest that DVCers upload their entries at 640x480. I will modify the video player in the DVC Entry Viewer to make goode use of this boost in resolution...

Benjamin Durin
March 26th, 2008, 04:13 AM
Lorinda, can you explain why you put the keyword 'DVC12' for your entry Dim and Dimmer when it was shot for DVC11?

All right, no need to explain. Just correct this and I'll send you a picture of my daugther ;)

Reminder: Youtube tags (or keywords) needed: "dvchallenge" or "thedvchallenge", and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.

Lorinda Norton
March 26th, 2008, 09:37 AM
Lorinda, can you explain why you put the keyword 'DVC12' for your entry Dim and Dimmer when it was shot for DVC11?
Typical. I’m also the bookkeeper here on the farm; you should try being my accountant if you want to know real frustration…

Okay, it's fixed. I'll be watching for that photo. :)

Benjamin Durin
April 1st, 2008, 10:32 PM
In this version, the DVC Entry Viewer can display Youtube high quality videos if available.
The video player has now its own window and will resize depending on the original size of the video played.
I noticed that sometimes HQ videos are slower to load so I added a checkbox to enable or disable HQ. Youtube may have a bandwith problem but I believe they will solve this sooner or later.
I could not make work the full screen function with the video in its own window so I removed this function for now. Hope I can solve this problem later.

Install or upgrade to the new version NOW! (

Reminder: Youtube tags (or keywords) needed: "dvchallenge" or "thedvchallenge", and "DVC#" where # is the number for the DVC (ie, "DVC11"). Add the tag "winner" if your entry won the first place.