View Full Version : Multiple render at the same time
Henrique Meneghelli October 24th, 2007, 12:57 PM Hello, Im new here ... wondering if is possible to render multiple files at once with vegas, I need to share my files on the web on 4 diferent formats and its a pain rendering once per time. Also, is there anything that after I render these files automatically split them? (total 4 full movies + 10 splits from each video = 44 movies) and auto rename?
Any plugin for vegas that will do this? I know it will be hard to find something, but at least multiple rendering will save me huge time ...
Thank you
Edward Troxel October 24th, 2007, 01:04 PM Look at Tools - Scripting - Batch Render
Instead of rendering a complete file and splitting it, instead render the pieces. Using scripting, you can pretty well do whatever you want naming-wise. For example, you could create 10 regions, name the regions, and then have the output files named what you called the regions.
You might also look at the Veggie Toolkit batch rendering script.
Bottom line is that Vegas can do what you're looking to do via the use of scripts. Depending on your needs, a specialized script may be required.
Henrique Meneghelli October 24th, 2007, 01:31 PM thanks, I found the batch render and rendering regions, that will work fine. File naming can be easily done, just need understand how it works. Only problem is the full videos, I need them and theier splits, rendering two times the same media, one for regions and one for full movie seems a lot waste of time ... Any script that will work after the render, merging the regions or spliting the full video?
want to add another question, do vegas support render to web? after render, conect to FTP and upload the files?
Edward Troxel October 24th, 2007, 01:45 PM Vegas cannot directly upload via FTP to your website. However, once again, I'm sure a script could be written that could. I don't know of any that currently do that but I'm sure it could be accomplished.
Henrique Meneghelli October 24th, 2007, 01:48 PM I saw your website, are you a programmer right? Can you writte a custom solution for my needs? If yes, I will contact you to get a quote.
Thank you,
Edward Troxel October 24th, 2007, 03:31 PM Yes, I write custom scripts. Just contact me via e-mail and we can discuss your needs.
Henrique Meneghelli October 24th, 2007, 07:12 PM Yes, I write custom scripts. Just contact me via e-mail and we can discuss your needs.
ok, email sent. thanks,
Randy Stewart October 26th, 2007, 06:54 AM Henrique,
I'm sure Edward will take care of you but I wanted to mention that you can also do multiple renders by running separate instances of Vegas. Example: start render of file in first instance of Vegas->open Vegas again (don't close current rendering Vegas)->load your .veg and start another render on that instance of Vegas. How many instances of Vegas you can open will be determined by your system capability (RAM/Processing Power). I've used this method quite a bit to multi-task. Hope this helps.
Mike Kujbida October 26th, 2007, 07:42 AM Randy, what I've found to be a help in the situation you describe is to reduce the Vegas priority .
Ctrl+Alt+Delete - Task Manager - Processes.
Find Vegas in the list.
Right-click and choose "Set Priority - BelowNormal"
Randy Stewart October 26th, 2007, 12:34 PM Yes, good idea. I've had 4 instances of Vegas running at the same time, one I'm editing on, one I'm capturing, and two are rendering. Really increases productivity. One thing you have to be careful of is switching between the one that is capturing...tends to produce a couple of dropped frames when you go in or out of that instance. Thanks for the hint.