View Full Version : Interviews Wanted With Ppl In Industry!

Trey Perrone
June 9th, 2003, 01:02 AM
Hey guys, I am starting a research paper for an english class and i was hoping to do it on the revolution/significance of minidv: its impact on film/television. I need to obtain at least 3 interviews with knowledgable individuals with experience in the industry, hopefully film/television/minidv. I will be putting together 5-7 questions i would give each person that would take as little as 30 minutes or so to answer. Not only could this paper help my grade, but give me more insight to how i would like to pave my future career! please feel free to drop me an email. the interviews would more than likely be done by email as well and i would hope to get them all done by end of week (6.12.03). Any ideas tips would also be greatly appreciated! Thanks a million!

Rob Lohman
June 12th, 2003, 04:30 PM

Can you tell us a little bit more about your website and business?

Trey Perrone
June 12th, 2003, 06:57 PM
Sure i will be more than happy to explain a little about my background and the business i am trying to get off the ground.

For starters i started getting into video in high school using a sony hi-8 when they first came out. i did the morning announcments, video yearbook, etc all non-linear. After high school i had grand plans to go into film and went down to UCF in orlando for film school. not having a camera or access to any equipment i became discouraged and after getting a technician job with Dell computers got heavily involved in hardware/software/networking. i ended up quitting school, giving up any dreams of getting into film.

A year ago i came back to VA and started doing football videos on GL1s for (we have nothing to do with the site design, by the way) because my dad was a part owner of the business behind it. it was then i started teaching myself premiere and photoshop. A few months ago i got a contract to do a training video for a new type of body armor the military is involved with. Then my dad and I decided that it was possible to try and get some more work, but try and start our own little business. About a month ago or so we went and got incorporated and did the paperwork to become "official" in the eyes of the state. So far I have technically had only one client who sent his own footage and i edited it.

I'm at a crossroads in my life (im 23) and im starting school again and its basically a decision between going into computers (which, to me is really easy) or going back somewhat to the dream of film and moving into the field of digital video. I know that moving into video is a lot more challenging for me and the money may not be quite as good as i would make with computers so i am still kinda stuck in between the two. I like working with video because of the creative challenges it represents as opposed to the monotony of automated installs, setting user accounts, and taking apart computers. The business is a way to (hopefully) be able to bring in some income while i go back to school and do something i enjoy.

I am not sure what Bills impression is, if he thinks im snowballing ppl here or what. A lot of ppl in here have websites for businesses, it doesnt make them a "pro." It would be great if this thing does go somewhere, but in the meantime at least if it doesnt end up werking out i can't regret never having tried. I wouldn't say I am overly experienced with this work, as i have not had any training (just self-taught) and the website does boast 8 years experience, but none of that is professional work, just the fact that either me or my dad have done minor video work for several years and my past experience with video. It has only been just recently in the past year has it been for any sort of profit though.

The english paper is for the local community college i started back at this summer and a few members of this board have agreed to help me with it so far. I would be more than happy to link the paper for others to read as well when it is completed in a week and a half as it may have some good info for others, like myself, who have hopes to try and get into the video/film/television industry and make an honest living doing something that they could enjoy.

Maybe ive gone overboard on my explanation here or maybe i haven't said enough. Maybe the website leads ppl here to the wrong impression, that I have been making a living off this, which is not the case.

Rob Lohman
June 18th, 2003, 02:35 PM
Thank you very much for explaining your situation! I hope you
will receive some responses by private mail or on this forum.

Trey Perrone
June 18th, 2003, 11:57 PM
Several members of this community were generous to donate some time and help me out...Thanks, you know who you are!