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Lorinda Norton
October 26th, 2007, 09:48 AM
Glad you're having such a great time with your first DVC, Travis. Can't wait to see your movie!

Keep slashin', dear can do it! :)

Travis Johnson
October 26th, 2007, 09:55 AM
Glad you're having such a great time with your first DVC, Travis. Can't wait to see your movie!

Keep slashin', dear can do it! :)

:D Thanks! I can't wait to show it!

Eric Emerick
October 26th, 2007, 12:10 PM
Lead actress got sick, no viable replacement. We like the concept enough to do it later next week anyway. Such is life.

Marco Wagner
October 26th, 2007, 12:29 PM
So we're filming tonight - for the first time I am NOT going insane with details, plans, ideas etc. Seems like all that takes more time than just turning the camera on and going for it. So i have a killer, a nanny and some killer (pun) surprises. Today is the 26th, Friday the 13th + 13 - a full moon too, should be interesting... Either this will work out time wise or we'll just have a lot of fun and some drunken pyscho footage to laugh at....

Hugh DiMauro
October 26th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Thanks, Brad. I haven't given up just yet. But please, keep trimming. Post anything. We wanna see Brad and Wally! It's the people, not so much the story.

Bill, forgive my earlier failure to wish you a safe return to an undamaged home. I wish the best for Ronn as well.

James Huenergardt
October 26th, 2007, 01:28 PM
Well, my motherboard went out on my video production computer so I'm out of business until Monday. I have a new board coming, but it won't help me for this DV Challenge.

Oh well...

Travis Johnson
October 26th, 2007, 04:21 PM
Alright well here's a bit of a sneak peek so to say. This was a photo taken on set last night.

Bradley L Marlow
October 27th, 2007, 04:50 AM
Thanks Meryem, Hugh and Lorinda from Spudville. I really appreciate all the kind words and proding. I'm still up, editing away.

The crew of 2 and 1/2 peeps put so much energy and effort into this film that I don't have the heart to give up now. So, instead, I seem to have taken up smoking Camels again, limiting myself to one chicken pot pie a day and like Meryem, I chug down loads of thick black coffee. I'll keep at it.

Speaking of Zombies, I should be a shoe-in for the part.

PS: Love the sneak peak Travis. Looks like you guys are having a blast! :)

Jesse Steele
October 27th, 2007, 10:58 AM
Looks like it's the wall for me!! I'm directing a high school play and I was gonna attempt to squeeze in the dvc but alas the editing computer decided to blow it's mother board!!!! So I'll see u guys in dec! best of luck!

Lorinda Norton
October 27th, 2007, 11:26 AM
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Jim and Jesse. That makes two motherboards and now the hard drive I loaded my crap, I mean, my clips on late last night. What is it with this challenge? Gremlins?

Travis Johnson
October 27th, 2007, 12:30 PM
@ Bradley: Thanks!!! We did have a great time making this!

Sorry to hear about the motherboards Jim and Jesse and also to Lorinda and her hard drive :(

Bradley L Marlow
October 27th, 2007, 12:54 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (with echo)

Can't you use one of the other 6 hard drives you have?

I think it's the moon.

Roger Rosales
October 27th, 2007, 01:08 PM
Unfortunately, I must forfeit the competition. I wrote my script a little too late, I didn't have enough actors and well, other things just didn't lend themselves in my favor.

It was a Zombie flick with a very basic story to it (like Zombie movies really are different from each other), but unfortunately, a bit to grand for a 2 day project. I wrote the script on thursday, past midnight which is technically already Friday!

Anyway, I'm out and very disapointed, but I'm looking forward to the other entries!

Lorinda Norton
October 27th, 2007, 01:58 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (with echo)

Can't you use one of the other 6 hard drives you have?

I think it's the moon.
Well…..while I’m generally not superstitious I’m kind of afraid to say anything, but yes, I am editing on one of my other hard drives, praying nothing else goes wrong.

I lost the backup to the wedding you and I shot—so far the original is intact on an external drive.

Got some furious behind-the-scenes slasher action going on over here…this one’s gonna be close!

Bruce Broussard
October 27th, 2007, 07:41 PM
I blew it!

I just checked the forum, and I discovered I only have 1 day till the deadline. I didn't even sign up! I am bummed. Especially considering all of my movies are a bit 'scary'.

I guess that will teach me. I will have to monitor the forums a bit more regularly. Good luck to all!

Mitchell Stookey
October 27th, 2007, 08:29 PM
So it's Saturday night before the deadline, 7:15 PM and I don't even have an idea! But I'm not out yet! I'm rounding up my friends, grabbing the gear and we're gonna get SOMETHING done! I think I need it to be crunch time to even get things done, and it's definitely crunch time!!

Josh Chesarek
October 27th, 2007, 10:01 PM
OH man... I am sitting here with 4 minutes of edited video.... crap... time to trim the fat...

Greg Boston
October 27th, 2007, 10:43 PM
What is it with this challenge? Gremlins?

A full moon. Not just any full moon, but a Perigee moon which means it's even closer to Earth than usual. More lunar influence means more weird electronics failures.


Hugh DiMauro
October 28th, 2007, 02:30 AM
I just can't get a YOUTUBE account. What the heck? Any ideas?

Daniel Ross
October 28th, 2007, 06:06 AM
Less than 24 hours to go... time to pick up the pace.

Mike Teutsch
October 28th, 2007, 07:07 AM
Well, it will be the wall for me! Had one good idea but could not pull wardrobe and all together. Got another simple idea and was going to shoot yesterday afternoon and last evening. BUT, guess what, computer problems hit me too. It was my own fault though, I think?!

Had a rehearsal for our upcoming movie at my house yesterday and had 14 people here. During the early part of the day I was working at my computer, copying disks etc. and I did a "restore" at one point while I was wandering around the rehearsal. Not thinking, I walked in and hit the power button on the computer, thinking that it had locked up. It had not and was in the middle of the restore! Duh!

Let me tell you, if you have never done that before------Don't do it!

Lost the ability to use Help and Support (no more restore), Search Functions, and it would not recognize some of the operating system disc so I could repair. Only choice after hours of trying to repair, I was to do a destructive restore.

So after working on it until 9:00 pm last night, I'm up and back at it this morning. Probably have another 5 to 7 hours to go loading programs etc.. I know I have lost some that I will not find again. Lost all but a little footage, that was on other drives. I'm glad I was not in the middle of a project!

Good luck to all and I'll see you next time.


Mike Teutsch
October 28th, 2007, 07:09 AM
I just can't get a YOUTUBE account. What the heck? Any ideas?

Lorinda had trouble last time too! If nothing else, you can send it to me or someone else and we can load it up for you.

Good luck Hugh.


Kevin Randolph
October 28th, 2007, 09:54 AM
I'm on the wall this time. Nothing came together - time, people, script. It just wasn'y meant to be... [wipes tear from eye]

I thought I'd be able to pull something together today, but no luck...



Jeremy Doyle
October 28th, 2007, 01:00 PM
After signing up for the last two and not getting anything done, I've finally managed to get one done. Uploaded and ready to go. I look forward to seeing the others.

Daniel Kohl
October 28th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Well that was a close one. I managed to stay off the wall of shame again ... that is if Dylan gets my email.

If it hadn't been for the interest of my principle actress, I wouldn't have gotten my act together this time.

I don't know if anyone will be scared by my entry, but I (once again) learned a lot by improvising it together. Definitely a challenge.

Thanks Dylan.

I hope everyone else has survived their myriad horrors, both fictional and real.

Travis Johnson
October 28th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Almost done! Just have to add in some music, render and upload.

Chris Barcellos
October 28th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Uploaded to YouTube and sent my links about 11:30 a.m.

Josh Chesarek
October 28th, 2007, 06:10 PM
I just uploaded and emailed. Hopefully I did it right, I even found another DVC #10 entry on youtube all ready... :-)

Travis Johnson
October 28th, 2007, 09:24 PM
Just uploaded and sent an email to ya Dylan!

Lorinda Norton
October 28th, 2007, 10:20 PM
I stuck a fork in mine…it’s done.

Uploaded and emailed, too, with several hours to spare. Guess I worried for nothing. :[

Ruth Happel
October 28th, 2007, 11:29 PM
I'm on the wall, the timing didn't work out well for this one. My mom is visiting from NY- she came the day the contest was announced, and is leaving tomorrow. Since she only visits rarely, being on the opposite side of the country, I just didn't have the time to put together a film. But I will keep looking and hope to film one for the next DV challenge.

Andrew Hood
October 29th, 2007, 02:57 AM
I'm on the wall too. Had a hectic week with rehearsals, and the first 2 performances of the play Someone Who'll Watch Over Me. The only 2 nights off, we were too tired to do anything. Next time Gadget, next time. I should have more (some) time then.

Robert Martens
October 29th, 2007, 03:39 AM
We're gonna need a bigger wall. Tack me up there as well ('as usual'?); just my luck we've taken a break from outright plumbing for a while to do some demo work at an old Sunnydale milk plant. Not that I mind helping out the guy we're working for, but man is it exhausting. I get home and fall right asleep, no energy or drive to do squat. Coupled with my standard lack of ideas for the first five or six days, the last minute flood of possibilities, and no way to wrap a story around most of them, I fell flat on my stupid face.

I was all excited, too; I never see good scary movies, thought I might be able to showcase my own style for once, and here I had the chance. Good thing there's another one right around the corner, maybe I'll have better luck.

My pants are waiting to be scared off. Best wishes to everybody who entered!

Daniel Ross
October 29th, 2007, 07:24 AM
In the can, and sent.
Youtube/exporting to widescreen was weird.
But, hey, that's what the cusion is for, right?

Well, good luck to everyone. I had fun.

James Huenergardt
October 29th, 2007, 07:38 PM
Actually, if you look on a map of California, Big Pine and Bishop are 15 miles apart...

Jesse and I were going to work on this one together.

If you want to check out Jesse in action:

He's the waiter in my Freedom Fries and a poker player in Heinz Poker and my survival guy in Heinz Survivor.

My motherboard came in this morning, and I'm back up and running, but not soon enough for DV Challenge.

Next time...