John M. Graham
October 20th, 2007, 11:19 PM
Well, after owning my FX1 for a year now, I made my first HDTV purchase. Up until today, I have never seen FX1 footage displayed on a genuine HDTV. Well, I got a Sony 1080p and I hooked up my camera via the component output. WOW. It looks great. It looks so soft and muddled on my LCD computer monitor, but really looks great on the TV. So, if you're an FX1/Z1 owner and maybe getting envious of all those A1/G1, FX7/V1 guys and you've never actually seen your footage on an actual 1080p screen, I strongly suggest you do. Seeing the great picture quality of your FX1/Z1 on a good HDTV may satisfy your need. I really just want to say that my camera has gained a lot of respect back from me!