View Full Version : HVX200a at InterBEE Tokyo?

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Chris Hurd
November 28th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Hi Kaku, the Canon consumer AVCHD camcorders HG10 and HR10 both record 24p in a 60i stream.

Kaku Ito
November 28th, 2007, 10:33 AM
Hi Kaku, the Canon consumer AVCHD camcorders HG10 and HR10 both record 24p in a 60i stream.

Right, how can I forget that. Maybe I was thinking only for memory recording based. So, it is done in AVCHD by Canon, Panasonic should support 24p in AVCHD, too.

I've been thinking what is the affordable camera that I can recommend to schools for students to learn basics about broadcast and cinema making (basically for high schools). I guess hard disk based won't be that bad for that purpose. Kids should learn how important to make backups and through the process they will learn the whole digital production culture.

Kaku Ito
November 28th, 2007, 10:38 AM
I should have looked at this.

It states 1080/24p and 720/24p, even 720/60p are included in the AVCHD format.

Paulo Teixeira
November 28th, 2007, 12:27 PM
It’s refreshing seeing that it has a focusing ring as apposed to their shoulder mounted camera. I really don’t think the final design will look like that unless Panasonic is trying to release it for around 2,500 to 3,000 dollar because it does look that cheep even though it should have all of the top recording modes of the AVCHD specification.

Here’s my prediction for an HVX200 successor. No tape drive, imagers and pixel count will be greater, HDMI port and last but not least, add more P2 card slots. Just imagine having 4. If Panasonic keeps the tape drive then I’m afraid you won’t see changes that drastic. Still, I’m almost certain they’ll get rid of it.

Barry Green
November 28th, 2007, 07:31 PM
I should have looked at this.

It states 1080/24p and 720/24p, even 720/60p are included in the AVCHD format.

Yep, that's where I would have pointed you to. The 1080/24p and 720/24p should be implemented with no pulldown. Canon added pulldown to their 1080, but I don't really understand why -- the format has provision for native pulldown-free 24p already.

But nobody has implemented that yet; for some unfathomable reason Panasonic's own AVC-HD camcorders don't support 24p (even though it is arguably the inclusion of 24p that led Panasonic to its largest market acceptance). So I'm sure hoping they get the message and start implementing proper 24p support in their AVC-HD lineup!

Kaku Ito
November 28th, 2007, 08:19 PM
Barry, that is great that no pull-down can be achieved in this format.
I guess Canon didn't include the indexed pull-down to differentiate from their prosumer and most of the ivis users won't be able to playback native 24p video on their consumer monitors?

I certainly want native 24p to recommend to schools for those shoulder mount or handheld AVCHD cams.

Kaku Ito
December 1st, 2007, 04:53 AM
This post should be in the AVCHD thread, but since we were discussing about the mockup model of prosumer AVCHD cams at InterBEE, I thought I should continue here.

From an interview on VideoAlpha magaizne with a B&I group manager, Mr. Mochizuki, he explained how they wanted to expand the lineup of AVCHD prosumer camcorders starting with HSC1U.

These are the points he clearly mentioned:

The targets that Panasonic wants to sell AVCHD prosumer models to, are schools, corporations and medical markets.

AVCHD prosumer market is to keep the compatibilities with consumer market.

He mentioned at that point, about the AG-DVC60 look like AVCHD prosumer camcorder, which is AG-HMC75.

He also casually mentioned about wanting to include 24p support for prosumer AVCHD models, too.