View Full Version : lost in translation

Karl Heiner
October 18th, 2007, 06:09 PM

what is the a/v out..outlet plug called ? (hc7)

i like to talk to a sales person at varizoom about a cable (if they have them)to connect their vz-tft-u monitor with my new sony hc7, but my english...<G>

thanks for the help

Dave Blackhurst
October 19th, 2007, 12:27 AM
there are two outputs, the "A/V out", which has right and left audio, and a composite (yellow) video signal. the other one is the component (R/G/B) out.

BOTH outs use a proprietary sony cable to conect to the camera - A/V is sort of a "D" shape, component is more or less rectangular.

Karl Heiner
October 19th, 2007, 12:54 AM
hi dave,

well, not the hc 7.
there are the following outs, left side of cc

lanc = light blue
hdv/ dv
composit out
a/v out
head phone = dark blue

hdmi above the charger in

the pic. is on page 106

i am guessing they must each their own name?


Dave Blackhurst
October 19th, 2007, 04:27 AM
OK, maybe I got my composite and component mixed up...

The A/V out has the yellow plug, and the video signal is on that plug...
The composite out would be the R/G/B - three separate RCA plugs...

What inputs does your monitor support? One of the stock SONY cables should allow you to connect... The R/G/B should be the better quality picture.

Adam Gold
October 19th, 2007, 01:16 PM
there are the following outs, left side of cc

lanc = light blue
hdv/ dv
composit out
a/v out
head phone = dark blue

hdmi above the charger in

the pic. is on page 106

i am guessing they must each their own name?

Dave had it exactly right.

They are in the following order, from left to right in the picture you described:

HDV/DV (Firewire)
Component (RGB Cable)
A/V (Composite Red White Yellow)

So to answer your original question, A/V out is composite, which is probably what your monitor wants. If your monitor will accept component, use that.

Note that (if it's like the HC3) your cam will only output from the highest level output hooked up at the time. If you have cables in all the outputs, you'll only get HDMI until you disconnect that, then the component will be active, etc.