View Full Version : Is that anything wrong with my HD100

Aaron Huang
October 18th, 2007, 05:23 PM
Ok. I've done loads of shots with the camera, but recently it start getting the CA. And it's so obvious when the iris is wider then 2.8.
And it get worse in this current project. A purple flare start to appear at the object's edge. When the iris is wider than f2.8.
I am quite sure I didn't get anything like that before, at least not that obvious.
I am shooting with the stock lens. HVD 25P with the Ture Color 3.
Can anyone please tell what this is, is anything wrong with the CCD or the Lens? Many Thanks!!
Here is the picture of the purple flare.

Adam Letch
October 18th, 2007, 06:44 PM
on a decent monitor, I know with the HD200 series you also have the white shading feature to reduce this with different lenses.

This lens is pretty CA prone anyway.

Good Luck


Brian Luce
October 18th, 2007, 07:07 PM
Ok. I've done loads of shots with the camera, but recently it start getting the CA. And it's so obvious when the iris is wider then 2.8.

Doesn't look like the CA I have. Esp that first pic.

Dennis Robinson
October 19th, 2007, 12:20 AM
I get this on my JVCHD111. Just back off on the zoom a little and it will go away.

Steven Thomas
October 19th, 2007, 08:33 AM
Dennis is right.

Remember CA will show on high contrast edges when your at the tele end of your zoom (which you appear to be in these shots). Closing down on the aperture and/or backing off on the zoom, which Dennis mentioned would of helped.

Those blown out highlights againt the darker edges are candidates for CA.
Please note that CA is a problem with a lot of lenses, this is not just a HD100 problem.

Normally, the more $$$ you put into your lens equals less lens aberrations: (Distortion (Geometry), CA - Chromatic Aberration , Astigmatism, Curvature, Spherical Aberration).

Aaron Huang
October 19th, 2007, 08:36 PM
Thanks Guys. I reshoot the stuff with zoom back up a bit. It did go away. Many thanks. thinking of getting a better lens now. Saw some footage from the 2/3 HD lens, thought i might get one of that to go with this camera. The adaptor might costy tho.