View Full Version : Rendering 1440, 1920 sync issues

James Hooey
October 17th, 2007, 10:19 AM
Currently if I wish to view a high def version of any edits I do from Vegas 7 or 8 I have to render out as cineform avi 720 30p video files. This is to make it play within Windows media player.

When I try to render out as a cineform avi 1440 60i two things happen. My audio goes out of sync with video, and my video is anamorphically squished. This is again when attempting to play in WMP. The squishing I can correct by using square pixels in the render settings btw (it adds black bars top and bottom but when full screened in WMP shows fine). 1920 uncompressed renders also will not play properly within WMP, ending up with stuttering.

The HD render will playback fine in Vegas without the loss of sync so this seems like a WMP issue.

I would really like to create a 1440X1080 avi that will play within WMP but I cannot find a solution to create properly synced audio and video.

Is there a solution to this?

Steve Brady
October 17th, 2007, 02:34 PM
In Windows Media Player 11, you can go to Tools>Options and then on the Performance tab click on the "Advanced..." button and check "Drop frames to keep AV in sync" to see if it fixes the sync problem, and on the Devices tab highlight Display and click on the "Properties" button and change the Pixel aspect ratio to 0.750 to fix the squishing with the 1440 x 1080 avi. You'll need to set it back to 1.000 for watching non-anamorphic media, of course.

James Hooey
October 18th, 2007, 05:10 PM

Didn't seem to do the trick but thanks for the suggestions. "drop frames to keep AV in sync" was already turned on in WMP 11 but made no difference by turning it off either. So video and audio are still out of sync.

1920 sony uncompressed will not play in WMP properly stutters dramatically. The anamporphic squishing is the least of my worries as I could render out any pixel aspect I choose really. But the audio/video sync is an issue I have been unable to resolve with anything short of rendering to 720P.

Chris Barcellos
October 18th, 2007, 05:30 PM
I m not having any such difficulties with my Cineform files.

But your problem may be that you don't have proper codecs set up to play Cineform. Are you using Cineform from Aspect or NeoHDV ? Or are you using the codec that is shipped with Vegas ? It is possible you need to download Cineform's player codec at their site. Read the info before installing, though, to be sure you need to.