Don Steele
October 16th, 2007, 01:13 PM
I'm half surprised my account is still active after having been dead on the board for so long, but I wanted to give a quick shout about Wayne's fantastic service with his SGPro.
I had a rev 2 SGPro and recently the achromatic lens fell out of place rendering the unit unusable. I emailed Wayne, and that day he replied back mentioning that he'd updated how the lens sits and that if I sent my unit back to him, he'd update my unit for free. Personally, I'm just not used to this level of service - most places want to accuse you of being too abusive on your gear. The fact Wayne was willing to not only fix my unit, but update it to the current setup for only the cost of getting the adapter to and fro the UK I think really indicates how much Wayne stands behind his work and the SGPro.
I just wanted to share this as a bit of advertising for Wayne and also as a service to anyone debating about which adapter to be pursuing these days. I have been very much thrilled with my SGPro r2 and am looking forward to taking the new edition for a spin.
I had a rev 2 SGPro and recently the achromatic lens fell out of place rendering the unit unusable. I emailed Wayne, and that day he replied back mentioning that he'd updated how the lens sits and that if I sent my unit back to him, he'd update my unit for free. Personally, I'm just not used to this level of service - most places want to accuse you of being too abusive on your gear. The fact Wayne was willing to not only fix my unit, but update it to the current setup for only the cost of getting the adapter to and fro the UK I think really indicates how much Wayne stands behind his work and the SGPro.
I just wanted to share this as a bit of advertising for Wayne and also as a service to anyone debating about which adapter to be pursuing these days. I have been very much thrilled with my SGPro r2 and am looking forward to taking the new edition for a spin.