View Full Version : Fit of Marztech

Bryan Beasleigh
June 6th, 2003, 10:45 PM
I have a very long torso. I need tall shirts, airline seat headrests hit me in the shoulder blades. The Marztech looks like a good rig but if the frame doesn't fit low enough it'll be another back breaker.

Any experiences from tall old guys with big bellies and the marztech? The only other option I had was the varizoom with the belly bar.

Chris Hurd
June 6th, 2003, 11:01 PM
Bryan, the Marztech inventor is a member here. Would you like his direct input on this, or would you prefer to hear from one of his customers instead?

Bryan Beasleigh
June 6th, 2003, 11:30 PM
I tried to email Jacques and the mail was returned twice. I also posted a question on the Marztech site and hadn't received an answer.

I'd love some feedback from Jacques and some tall guys with bellies if that's posible.

I have a monopod and tripod and handheld has been ok using a minirover grip. I keep piling more stuff on the camera and the weight is getting up there.

Bryan Beasleigh
June 9th, 2003, 01:46 PM
Christi Vedejs called me and answered all of my questions. They certainly have all points covered.
The pack actually fits a tall bod better than a short ar$e. I wondered if it would fit my beer belly, "no problem" says Christi, "I'll add a little extra to the belt"

Nerd factor be damned, I ordered one, complete with the six pack carrier (fanny pack) I'll be sure to report back with all of the gory details.