Dylan Pank
October 13th, 2007, 05:11 AM
Hi All,
Does anyone know where the transport stream gets cached when FCP5 does an print to video from a native HDV timeline? The machine I'm using has no RT extreme capability so I cannot use print to video to record back to HDV tape via Firewire.
I've used the the iMovie workaround, i.e. dropping an exported AIC .mov into an iMovie project, exporting to HDV tape from there, but iMovie drops frames and of course using an intermediate means it passes through an extra compression phase. I pinched the HDV transport stream from the iMovie cache, renamed the extension to .mpv to .m2t and recorded to tape using Vitual DVHS without a problem, however I would like to skip the extra compression to AIC, so...
I wondered, FCP must be rendering a transport stream somewhere that is HDV compliant, as iMovie does, before it refuses to export (it spends 3-4 hours rendering of video 10 minutes) so where can I find it? And is it usable by VirtualDVHS to lay back via firewire.
I'm working on University Machines with FCP, so upgrading fiddling with the computer or software to get all in one print to video support isn't an option.
Does anyone know where the transport stream gets cached when FCP5 does an print to video from a native HDV timeline? The machine I'm using has no RT extreme capability so I cannot use print to video to record back to HDV tape via Firewire.
I've used the the iMovie workaround, i.e. dropping an exported AIC .mov into an iMovie project, exporting to HDV tape from there, but iMovie drops frames and of course using an intermediate means it passes through an extra compression phase. I pinched the HDV transport stream from the iMovie cache, renamed the extension to .mpv to .m2t and recorded to tape using Vitual DVHS without a problem, however I would like to skip the extra compression to AIC, so...
I wondered, FCP must be rendering a transport stream somewhere that is HDV compliant, as iMovie does, before it refuses to export (it spends 3-4 hours rendering of video 10 minutes) so where can I find it? And is it usable by VirtualDVHS to lay back via firewire.
I'm working on University Machines with FCP, so upgrading fiddling with the computer or software to get all in one print to video support isn't an option.