View Full Version : FCP capture help, please?

Raneath Sokha
October 12th, 2007, 07:40 PM
Hi, I have the canon xh-a1 which I shot with the 60i HDV format. As I tried for two days now to capture with FCP 6.0, what I got is "the operation cannot be completed because there is no video." I have my VTR set to HDV with in-camera down-convertion. I have no problem capturing the HDV but what I want to do is capture SD with FCP but I couldn't find solution yet after all the research and tries I did with FCP 6.0 so far. So, I decided to ask to see if anyone on here can know the solution to capturing the xh-a1 in-camera converted HDV to SD on FCP.

All I found so far is people couldn't capture HDV but they could capture SD. I have the exact opposite problem. I would really appreciate it as I am in a rush to find the solution so I can start working on my final class project.


Dylan Pank
October 13th, 2007, 04:36 AM

Just a guess, but are you sure that your FCP project is set up for SD DV? FCP (v.5 at least) seems to use different different software for capturing DV as it does for capturing HD depending on the set up.

Go to File > Easy Set Up to choose and apply the appropriate DV setting, then go to View > Refresh A/V Devices and then try capturing.

Apologies if you've already tried this.

Bryan Gilchrist
October 13th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Set FCP to DV-NTSC, which can be found in the easy setup option.

Make sure your camera is set correctly too.

Raneath Sokha
November 11th, 2007, 08:04 AM
hey guys, I've tried pretty much all the options that FCP 6 has in its setup but none worked. I found out that Canon 24f SD footage is not supported by FCP, yet, or so I heard.
