Jonathan Gentry
October 10th, 2007, 10:58 AM
I want to use this combination for weddings. In order to combine footage I assume it's best to match the A1 footage to the HV20 footage since the HV20 in-camera tweaks are so limited.
My first question is has anyone done this? Created a file that will match footage from the HV 20?
Next issue is what format should I shoot? I'm thinking of shooting 1080i from both cameras and converting to 30 progressive (or keep interlaced if better) in Vegas. Any tips on mixing the footage from these two cameras with as little fuss/best results as possible? My final format is to standard DVD.
Brian Burns
October 10th, 2007, 11:23 AM
I do it right now... 2x A1s and 1x HV20. I've been very happy with the the mix and will be editing the first wedding in a week or 2. I shoot all 3 as 1080i, edit as 1080i then render out as 30 for my SD DVD.
No tips on mixing as I have not really seen a problem with mixing currently.
Jonathan Gentry
October 10th, 2007, 12:19 PM
I'm thinking mixing footage is only a problem with 24p? Any help and more info would be appreciated.
Also anyone with info on getting the A1 to match the image of the HV20 would be great.
Bob Drummond
October 10th, 2007, 12:35 PM
I've never tried it, but it appears if you're using Premiere plus Cineform Aspect, aspect will correctly interpret the 24p footage from the HV20 so you can edit on the same time line in Premiere with the A1 24f footage.
Can anyone actually confirm this?
Bill Engeler
October 10th, 2007, 12:59 PM
I use both cameras for weddings. In good lighting, they will mix well. When there is enough light, I use the vividRGB preset on the A1, although I tone down the saturation somewhat. The HV20 footage (50i, TV 1/50 sec, everything flat) will match quite well, with a little saturation boost in port.
When light is low, there are some problems. It can be hard to contain the gain (and grain) of the HV20. In low light, the highlights will also burn out.
In the same fashion, in bright sunlight, the HV20 will also be more contrasty than the A1. Please note that I am not using the Cine setting. This does help the contrast, but I don't like the color cast.
The HV20 is great camera, but the A1 can adapt better to less than ideal situations. For Weddings it's OK, but not ideal. If it's all your budget will allow, go ahead, because it's a better match than anything else in the price range.
Ger Griffin
October 10th, 2007, 06:33 PM
I use a HV20 as a second cam to my A1.
Its a great compliment to the A1.
It plays its footage for starters so it makes a great deck.
I read somewhere, and now i do this all the time,
that the cinemode in the HV20 with the colouring set to neutral
matches the CP number 8 in the A1 (cinelook).
The shots nearly always cut together well.
Sure there are (sometimes) differences in quality. But remember differences will be more noticeable if both cams are pointing at the same subject.
So I use the A1 for the priest and moving around shots and use the
HV20 (positioned beside me) as the bride & groom cam. Its great to be able to cut to this cam whenever there's something to cover up or even at a time when they are talking, laughing, etc.
I downconvert both cams footage while capturing and its acceptable.