View Full Version : Promoting you work

Kevin Carter
October 9th, 2007, 02:25 PM
I just finished some commercial spec clips and some supershorts. I'm going to make list of commercial production houses and agents etc. and contact them very thouroghly

But want to ask, the clips themselves, should I promote them on my own on you tube/contests and other places or is that a waste of time?

If not, I need to help/resources on this. thanks!

Brian Keith Moody
October 9th, 2007, 10:19 PM
What is your goal? Who are you trying to reach and why? Let this determine how and where you market your work.

If you want to deal with professionals and be taken seriously, I'd bypass youtube. Get your own professional-looking website and host the clips there.

Kevin Carter
October 10th, 2007, 06:43 PM
thanks, I've got great site, design, cards, letterhead etc, and am marketing direct to production companies and managers.

Just wondering if I'm dropping the ball by not putting the clips out there more on various site or contests. thanks.

Bob Hollifield
October 11th, 2007, 03:52 AM
Kevin, here's a link but I'm not too sure about them. Because it's free there must be a catch. I'm looking for the same thing to host some realty videos...need full screen. I use SmugMug to host my still images from still camera, but their video hosting only offers a very small screen image. If you find something, would appreciate a tip...same here. tks..bob

Stephen Self
October 11th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Remember that you are not just selling your work, you are selling yourself also.
We own a small prod company in E. Texas, we hire shooters occasionally. We want to know two things -- a) can this person perform, and b) WILL this person perform....
The answer to the second question comes from knowing things about the shooter. Somehow, you need to develop some kind of relationship with the people you are selling to, & that will probably take some time. Without being arrogant or pushy, you need to fill then in on the fact that you are a good, reliable, guy who can take direction and be worth working with.

Good luck -- S

Kevin Carter
October 11th, 2007, 11:04 AM
thanks Bob/Stephen:
I have a great website, don't need hoster....
and I'm promoting this well to productions houses.

Curious about promotion through Contests and putting clips on other areas of the web, if that is good idea