View Full Version : dissolves and crossfades

Jay Legere
October 9th, 2007, 02:14 PM
Just wondering about applying many at once? (if I want the same 10 frame crossfade/dissolve applied to an entire project for example)

Is this possible? Must these transitions be done 1 at a time?



Bert Smyth
October 9th, 2007, 04:44 PM
I don't believe there is a way to add the transitions all at once, but using the keyboard short cuts you should be able to blaze through it.

Set your default transition by right hand mouse clicking on the one you want to use in your Effects Panel, then choose: Set selected as default transition.

Go to Edit/Preferences/General, and set the duration that you want the default transition to be.

Make sure the track you want to set transitions on has been set as the target track (the grey area at the head of the track must be selected).

Use Page Up/Page Down keys to jump to your edit points.

Hit Ctrl D to set the default transition at your edit points.

You should be able to whip through it pretty fast.

Jay Legere
October 9th, 2007, 05:34 PM
Excellent response Bert!

That answers everything.



Bert Smyth
October 9th, 2007, 11:25 PM
Always glad to help a fellow Canuck! So what do you do way up there, videography? We used to live in Calgary until my wife got a job in Portland.

Jay Legere
October 10th, 2007, 08:14 AM
Calgary would feel like the bahamas right about now. -13 this morning on the way to work here in Iqaluit:)

I work as a videographer for the CBC. CBC North to be exact. I have decided to have a little side business as well and have gone with PPCS3 for a NLE. Just started using it a few weeks ago so I now know who to contact if I need some tips.

We use Avid Newscutter at work and it is able to apply dissolves (audio/video) across the entire project. Nice for speed but I will survive with your idea. PPCS3 is a shrarp program and I couldn't be happier.

What about your situation?

No more Canada these days?

Bert Smyth
October 10th, 2007, 01:46 PM
I'm in what is now soggy Portland. My wife and I windsurf. We came to the Columbia Gorge 3 years ago, and decided to make the move. I don't work as much as I would like, but we sure do a lot of windsurfing! I only have Premiere Pro 2, but will upgrade eventually.