Scott Di Lalla
October 6th, 2007, 03:43 PM
Here's trailer number 2 for my doc about British motorcycles. The first version is our high res version from our website...if you're having trouble with that one click the youtube link below it. It would be great to hear some feedback. Thank you. Scott
shot with xl2, 24p plus two shots with a helmet cam.
high res:
Jeff Anselmo
October 7th, 2007, 12:15 AM
Very good work Scott! The high res version looks very smooth. Nice pacing with the music (artist? title?).
Very steady with the XL2 on a helmet :)
Andrew Reyna
October 7th, 2007, 02:22 AM
Wow, That opening footage of the gears on the motor cycle and the guy working is some of the best XL2 footage I've seen.
Great work and gotta put the girls in there. :p
Bert Smyth
October 7th, 2007, 10:45 AM
Some really great shots in there! For the short scenes where they are on the dirt, or the very last shot, what custom preset settings did you use? Looked great.
Mike Andrade
October 7th, 2007, 09:23 PM
Fantastic footage. Some of the best Xl2 work i've seen. What tools did you use ? lens, settings etc..
Scott Di Lalla
October 8th, 2007, 11:12 AM
thank you for sharing your thoughts...very encouraging. A big thanks to this site for learning a lot about the xl2.
Jeff: the music title and artist..."One Way to Remind" by the Starvations . This band, since then, has changed their names to, "Fortune's Flesh."
Bert: for the two shots you've mentioned I think you are referring to the short clip of the dirt bikes rounding the turn and the last shot of the bike zooming by right before the title flashes? Both those shots were adjusted slightly in post. The first one, the bikes rounding the turn, I adjusted the levels, color (slightly) and upped the saturation in FCP. The last shot, I gave a "bleach bybass" in After Effects.
Mike: The amazing thing was I didn't have to adjust too many of the shots in post, well for the trailer at least, most of the shots were the camera's presets, lighting and comp. However, For a few shots I've used After Effects, and some of the tools in FCP. For the inside shots did a warm balance instead of white balanced and that worked out well. I got this warm balance tip from "Ash" a member of this forum. Just go to an art store and buy a pale blue card and do a white balance off that...that is if you want to warm up the shot.
Shot with 20x lens, 24p, 1/48
Camera settings. I call "Triumph."
gamma - cine
knee- low
black middle ( i use to crush the blacks but discovered it is more forgiving to give it a mid setting and worry about it in post.)
color matrix cine
color gain 0
color phase 0
red 0
green 0
blue 0
v detail normal
sharpness -5
coring -5
setup level -6
master ped -6
NR off
hope this helps.