View Full Version : Kino Flo Kamio?

Stephen Eastwood
October 6th, 2007, 01:42 PM
Anyone use this and have a real life experience and also able to say what f stop at a given iso/distance/shutter speed? Also is it the same for both daylight and tungsten WB or which are you using?

I know I usually shoot a camera that is about 320iso, and shoot at 1/48th to 1/60th and like to be at f3.4 so I am as wide open as possible outside of any zoom, so I would love to know how much light this puts out at say 6 to 10 feet. Thanks.

Stephen Eastwood

Dave Dodds
October 6th, 2007, 03:29 PM
At about 5 feet you get around 10FC. I don't have a meter in front of me so I'll have to run some things in my head, but with a 320ASA I don't think you'll get anything usable at 3.4, and probably not even at 2.0 either.

I'm not 100% on the latter part, but the 10FC is from the site itself.


Stephen Eastwood
October 6th, 2007, 04:43 PM
can that be right? thats almost no light. how is it useful for anything other than putting a sparkle in an eye? even an interview setting you would likely need more light than that.

I get about 2.8 at 1/48th at 320 at 1 meter from 600lux which is about 57.6 fc so 10fc would get almost no light, if they are right on there numbers thats really expensive for a product that produces such little light.

Dave Dodds
October 6th, 2007, 05:19 PM
Well, it's not really meant for interview settings except for maybe a catchlight (if that). What I've seen this used for most (aside from the catch) is on steadicams tracking back (around 3 feet away) as a fill. This is really intended for close stuff as a fill and I think more often as an eyelight.

Check out the Litepanels ring light. It seems to put out a little more and it has two different models.

Also try They have some interesting stuff. Apparently, the Kisslite throws abuot 60FC at 5 ft for the daylight moden (which gives off more than the tungsten one). There's your 2.8. I know that's not ideal and we have no clue about cost.

I have no idea about the prices for the two models I mentioned above, but they both have options with higher outputs. For all I know, they may be incredibly expensive.

What is it that you want this light for exactly?


Stephen Eastwood
October 6th, 2007, 07:42 PM
What is it that you want this light for exactly?


I would like it usable for fill on a set with a model at least 5 feet away, but in reality that is not possible with this little amount of light, in order for it to be effective and produce a nice light you would have to be very close to the model/actress at which point the perspective becomes one I am not at all happy with, I like long lenses so shooting a face with a wide angle close up just looks unappealing to me. I will look into other alternatives, the ringlite is possible but 10,000.00 for a set up made by litepanel thats the 19inch model. Thats a bit much for a limited use light like this, I am sure for that price I can find or make or have made a viable alternative. I was just hoping there was one already out there....

Stephen Eastwood

Craig Chartier
October 6th, 2007, 10:35 PM
then you should look at some of the 12 volt HMI on camera lights. THese ring lights are for closeup work. PAG makes a very strong 12 volt on camera HMI.

Stephen Eastwood
October 7th, 2007, 10:21 AM
I cannot seem to find any PAG ringlights only standard on camera lights. I have more than I need of on camera lights from LED, to HMI to tungsten, they all are fine for what they are, I am looking for a ringlight, just not the kamio given the power or lack of it.