View Full Version : Mixing footage with the HV20

Jonathan Gentry
October 5th, 2007, 09:10 PM
I want to shoot the A1 with the HV20 and I'm hearing all sorts of things about how the HV20 does things differently than the A1.

I'm really unclear about this, so I'm looking for the A1/HV20 for dummies book... sure I won't find it.

Anyway can someone enlighten me on the issues of mixing footage with these two great cams.

I will be editing in Vegas 8.


Graham Budd
October 9th, 2007, 03:54 PM
For matching these cameras (in the PAL world) I have found for tungsten light the following settings match very well:

XH-A1: manual / 25F / 1/50 shutter / no custom preset / WB 3200K
HV20: TV mode / 25PF / 1/50 shutter / preset > neutral / WB tungsten

These settings will give a fairly flat outcome but will match closely .... it may be different with a daylight shoot

Colour grade in post (Vegas 8)