View Full Version : UWOL #5 And the Winner is....
Bob Brandon October 4th, 2007, 04:10 PM OK I am so sorry that I have strung you all out for so long. I have a hundred excuses from computers crashing to last minute assignments but I won't blame them. I will just accept your 40 lashes and hope you will forgive me.
So, the winner is...CINCO.
I chose Cinco because it had the best makings of a story and I am an old storyteller at heart. I enjoyed his effort at a re-enactment. My personal taste would have preferred he use the re-enactment footage over the audio from the interview rather than interrupting the re-enactment with on-camera interview. I am a sucker for a good story and this tale of a man and his horse just tugged at my heart. I don't suppose that I might have been influenced by the fact that I am an old Texas boy who grew up in a ranching and farming town and rode horses a lot, do you?
Catherine Russell October 4th, 2007, 04:24 PM My hat comes off to ya, partner. Well done! I bet Cinco will get a few apples for this one!
Congrats and "fin film"!
Thanks uwol, for another great challenge and fun viewing and Bob for being such a fun judge!
Bob Brandon October 4th, 2007, 04:47 PM I am not sure about 2nd and 3rd places, but I am delighted with several of the pieces entered in #5. Aussie Spirit I particularly liked because David spent a few moments setting the scene, giving us the flavor of the countryside, before he launched into the Roos. I enjoyed the Roo footage but I wanted to see it develop into a story. And the other Roo story about Most Deadly Animals was really cute. It reminded me of an episode of "ER" in which a "Killer Kangaroo" was on the loose. There were all sorts of stories about how this animal was devastating the neighborhood, but in the end we saw the roo munching on lettuce thrown into an alley behind a diner. Some killer!
I found several examples of really nice uses of graphics. "Civilized" should get an award for its graphic treatment. Nice work Jim. David Gemmell used graphics to great advantage in the opening scenes of "Australian Spirit". Brian McKay had text to expand his story in "Soon".
More in a minute....
Bob Brandon October 4th, 2007, 05:05 PM ...and I loved those pieces that featured wild animals and a few domesticated ones. I mentioned Fall Frenzy but also "Soon" had nice wildlife footage as did "Oasis".
And how can we forget "Exploring Moments" Trond, you did a nice job of following the little fellow around and being prepared when the cutests moments happened. I know you will enjoy many years with him, and you have a beautiful home also.
Kudos to all of you , and to you Meryem, author of the "Prairie" piece. I enjoyed your work and I also enjoyed the hard work you put in on organizing this challenge. Best of luck in the future, and good luck to all you shooters around the world. I may just become inspired to join your competition one of these days!
Geir Inge October 4th, 2007, 06:12 PM Great choice from the judge.
Wish you all the best Bruce and congratlulation with your winning film, "Cinco".
Also give my regards to Mike and Cinco. You all deserve the honor.
I guess it's selebrating time, but don't forget the popcorn :)
To the rest of the uwol-team; I'm greatful for getting to know you all, even if it's just in cyperspace (yet).
Geir Inge
Meryem Ersoz October 4th, 2007, 10:45 PM wow, bruce, congratulations! a lovely film...
your remarkable consistency is paying off!
an excellent round of films, congrats to all of the participants.
Per Johan Naesje October 4th, 2007, 11:06 PM Congrats Bruce!
Really nice to hear the judge commented on this one. You did have a great story in your film. Honors to Cinco and Mike for their great acting.
And you aussie did well this round, nice to have you aboard as well! And Trond for your nice puppy film. And congrats to all participants, who managed to make up an entry in this round, which I think was real hard for most of us.
And a big chear and thanks for you guys swimming in the tank for trying, you can come up now, see you next round!
Trond Saetre October 5th, 2007, 01:29 AM Congratulations Bruce! All the best for you!
Thank you for mentioning my film about Vera the dog. She's a happy little puppy, saying "voff" as thank you.
The proud owner, my sister Trude, is very proud.
To everyone, well done!! We had a great bunch of very good films this round.
Hope all of you are back for round 6,7,....
Gordon Hoffman October 5th, 2007, 08:11 AM Hey Bruce congratulations! You always had a story to tell in your videos. Well done.
Gordon Hoffman
Bruce Foreman October 5th, 2007, 08:34 AM Thanks for all the kind comments, this was totally unexpected for me. I consider that I win in every one of these rounds by being exposed to other folks points of view, by seeing what others do.
I learn something from each challenge not only from what I attempt but by seeing what each and every one of you submit.
We never know what is going to "resonate" with any particular judge and I guess this round was my turn. But most important was seeing several entries that literally "rocked me back on my heels".
So next round I look to be once again typing "congrats" to one of you. Associating and interacting with you folks through this venue is one of the most gratifying involvements I have.
I called Mike last night and gave him the news, he says Cinco definitely gets extra snacks.
Dale Guthormsen October 8th, 2007, 02:52 PM congrats bruce!!
A terrific effort and good story.
Ruth Happel October 8th, 2007, 04:14 PM Congratulations Bruce. And I'm glad Cinco gets extra snacks- maybe Mike should have a few extra snacks too! This was a fun film to watch, great job.