Bob Brandon
October 3rd, 2007, 07:54 PM
Hi ladies and gentlemen,
Just a note to let you know that I am knee deep in watching all the animal films and I am having a ball. There are some really interesting films and videos in thiis contest, and some delightful techniques being used. I hope to finish judging sometime later this evening and I will be back in touch. I hope you understand that I am going to steal all your good ideas and use them in a later story myself! After all what are we if not a group of really good thieves who skulk around stealing our friends' best ideas?
I'll see you soon,
Bob Brandon
Just a note to let you know that I am knee deep in watching all the animal films and I am having a ball. There are some really interesting films and videos in thiis contest, and some delightful techniques being used. I hope to finish judging sometime later this evening and I will be back in touch. I hope you understand that I am going to steal all your good ideas and use them in a later story myself! After all what are we if not a group of really good thieves who skulk around stealing our friends' best ideas?
I'll see you soon,
Bob Brandon