View Full Version : 3CCD Lens dirty on the inside
Elie Zakaria June 4th, 2003, 03:45 PM Hi guys,
this is an update to the issue that I was having with white speckles on the image.
Apperantly the green square glass that is in front of the 3CCD's is dirty on the inside.
I took it to Canon and they told me the whole assembly must be replaced and it will cost aprox $2000 Canadian for a new 3CCD Prism.
The camera itself is classified as new, basically the heads are still is awesome shape, the body and the lens is like new, however my XL-1 is useless if dirt got into the CCD glass.
Now, if I take the camera back to Canon they will suggest that I replace the 3CCD unit, so NOW the million dollar question, is....
Is it possible to get at this glass on the inside or is this prism 3CCD assembly one unit?
I would like to do the repair myself as I gave up on Canon after their estamite.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Don Palomaki June 4th, 2003, 06:31 PM The CCD block and prism is listed as a single assembly in the service manual.
Elie Zakaria June 4th, 2003, 07:12 PM yeah no kidding, but there has to be a way to get at the glass from the inside to clean it at least.
I wish the camera was under warranty, obviously this dirt was introduced at a later time which leads me to believe that the Prism and CCD are not in an air tight or sealed compartment.
What are your thoughts?
And I wonder if I can just order the glass peice on it's own, maybe from an old damaged XL-1?
Andrew Petrie June 4th, 2003, 08:18 PM When you 'took it to canon' did you take it to a Canon store, or is there an official Canon Tech house in toronto? I don't know about Toronto, but here in London Canon dealers don't know squat about the XL1 (or any other camcorder for that matter)
The only people I'd trust to diagnose my XL1, are the guys on Canon's payroll.
While I'm here, it's nice to meet another close XL1 user :) If you're ever in London look me up.
Elie Zakaria June 4th, 2003, 09:02 PM Hi Andrew, nice to see someone from Ontario :)
Yes I took the XL-1 to Canon themselves, they are located on Dixie road off the 401, this is the official Canon headquarters in Toronto.
Anyway just an update, since I brought the camera back I didn't test it until a few minutes ago, indoor shots look clean.
I will test it outdoors and see if all is ok. I may not even need to clean it up any further, we'll see anyway.
Don Palomaki June 5th, 2003, 04:14 AM I am under the impression that the CCD and prism block is tight - no opportunity for dust to get into it except during manufacturer.
No dust visible in indoor shooting? Depth of field is so great that outdoors on bright days any dust on an filter will appear so a somewhat blurred splotch in the image. Any chance this is what you saw? If you see it outdoors, try the ND filter to see if it goes away or lessens.
Elie Zakaria June 5th, 2003, 02:43 PM If the prism and CCD is tight, how come dust or smudges got inside?
I will try outdoor shots as you suggested and see what happens.
Elie Zakaria June 7th, 2003, 11:34 AM Just an update, I shot some outdoor footage and it is populated with white speckals, because obviously they exist on the inside of the prism glass.
So outdoor shooting is totally useless. I have reasons to believe that the CCD and Prism compartment is not sealed air tight so what I am going to do is open the camera and have a look my self.
Which me luck!
Elie Zakaria June 7th, 2003, 01:41 PM OK so after taking this thing apart, I discovered that the Prism and CCD are one piece DAMN!
So waht now? Pay Canon $2000 for a replacemet for bad manufacturing to begin with?
What else can I do in this case?
Don Palomaki June 7th, 2003, 02:52 PM Try order the part and install it yourself, if you have the necessary tools and equipment. As a start you can order the service manual from Canon, then oafter studying what is onvolved, order the assembly. Not sure what the price would be.
Speckles in the inside - like maybe some form of mold perhaps?
Elie Zakaria June 7th, 2003, 07:57 PM Actually that is a great idea.
I know now how to take the whole thing apart, very simply actually.
The speckals are dust and smudges on the inside, how it got there god only knows.
I will contact Canon first thing Monday Morning, thanks!
Arnaldo Paixao June 20th, 2003, 05:22 AM "As a start you can order the service manual from Canon"
Hi Don.
From where can the service manual be ordered?
(Can't find it in Canon's site)
Andrew Petrie June 20th, 2003, 07:14 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Arnaldo Paixao :
From where can the service manual be ordered?
(Can't find it in Canon's site)
Specialized items like that tend to only be available for sale if you call them up and request it. Even then there's no gaurantees, Some car makers for example will only sell service manuals to authorized car dealers.
Arnaldo Paixao June 20th, 2003, 08:26 AM Hi Andrew.
That's what normaly hapens, but seeing Don's reply I was under the impression that it was rather easy to obtain.
Thanks anyway.