View Full Version : playing back tapes recorded with other cams on HV20

Kaku Ito
September 28th, 2007, 10:29 AM
I've been going through some tapes shot with FX1, HC1, HV10, XHG1 and XL H1 with HV20 and not only 24p stuff but having problem playing back 60i stuff. Many are failing, skip many frames.

Tapes recorded with HV20 seem to work fine.

How is everyone doing?

John Hotze
September 28th, 2007, 12:36 PM
I've been going through some tapes shot with FX1, HC1, HV10, XHG1 and XL H1 with HV20 and not only 24p stuff but having problem playing back 60i stuff. Many are failing, skip many frames.

Tapes recorded with HV20 seem to work fine.

How is everyone doing?

Thanks for the info. I'll stick with capturing tapes with the original camcorder that shot them in light of what you're saying. Do to minor differences in head alignments, it's probably "best practices" anyway to capture media on original recorder.

Kaku Ito
September 30th, 2007, 08:52 PM
Would expensive decks be more forgiving? But that does not let you play back 24f stuff. I used to say HV10/HV20 as use of HDV deck, but I take that back.
Canon should make their own deck providing more reliable ways to get the footage from the tapes. I'm pretty sure that would boost the entire sales because their Camcorders are hot.

Rob Gregory-Browne
September 30th, 2007, 10:32 PM
I have a number of tapes I recorded on my Sony A1U that I had to capture to PC using my HV20 because the A1U's firewire port died. The tapes play fine, no dropouts, no problems at all.

Kaku Ito
October 1st, 2007, 03:04 AM
Today, I shot some footage with HV20 to see if anything mechanically wrong with my HV20, it seems to record and playback fine.

Some of the FX1 tapes that I have, having problems playing back.
It is funny that I'm having more problems with G1 60i footage than 24P footage.
What I hear is that G1 is with with tighter azimuth that would results in playback problems with other cams (don't know if tighter is the right word but).

But thank you Rob for your input.

Kaku Ito
October 3rd, 2007, 05:14 PM
I heard from my contact that Canon is providing the service to the owners of earlier G1s to adjust the azimuth wider to be more forgiven. They even experienced tapes recorded on earlier G1s not playing on other G1s.
I guess in the beginning, they tried to make the recorded stream tighter on the tape.

My contact at a Canon dealer let me use the G1 for while, so I'm copying the ones having problem playing back to HV20 or even store them as data on my drives or bluray discs.