View Full Version : New DVC website!?!
Dylan Couper September 27th, 2007, 12:29 AM So, a new DV Challenge website has taken shape!
It isn't done yet, the old site is still in place, at least for a little while.
Check out the new site and tell me what you think:
Yes, it's built on the Blogspot CMS. I was about to pay someone to build one from the ground up, then realized that Blogspot had nearly everything I wanted in a CMS system, so I started building all the categories and such under it. We'll change the template slightly, and mask the URL under but the most important part was just to get it all up and in place.
Some pages haven't been proofread, and I still have some photos to add (thanks to those who sent them!) but otherwise, let me know what you think!
Chris Barcellos September 27th, 2007, 01:19 AM I signed up okay for the email list. Some of the text on my viewing of the site overlays on other text, including in the signup area. Using IE.
Benjamin Durin September 28th, 2007, 11:40 PM I signed up okay for the email list. Some of the text on my viewing of the site overlays on other text, including in the signup area. Using IE.
Same for me using Firefox 2.
But good move, Dylan. It will be much easier for you to update the site.
Maybe you can even embed the Youtube videos for the next challenge.
Dylan Couper September 28th, 2007, 11:54 PM Ok, I changed the layout for the site.
Let me know if this works any better for you.
And yes, I would like to embed the Youtube videos, at least for the winner and runners up, in the thread.
Benjamin Durin September 29th, 2007, 12:58 AM I think this layout is better but there is a problem with this text:
"Video challenges to get you off your ass and out in the real world practicing your skills and filming something real, something brave, something to show off."
It's always behind the main text.
Dylan Couper September 29th, 2007, 03:53 PM Well.... No idea how to fix that. Firefox must be reading something funny.
Do any IE users have this problem?
Mike Teutsch September 29th, 2007, 04:00 PM I use Firefox and it looks fine on my screen. Nice work on the site and such Dylan. Been out of town and don't know if I told you yet. Guess I need to sign up for the DVChallenge huh.
Actually Firefox 2, just for clarification.
Robert Martens September 29th, 2007, 05:01 PM I'm getting it in both; in IE 7, the text shows up behind the date of the most recent update, and in Firefox 2, it's displayed further down, between "It will begin Thursday, October 18th with the theme announcement, and end Sunday, October 28th.... AT MIDNIGHT!!!" and "A hint to the theme, you ask?".
Is this layout perchance dependent upon resolution? I lost my usual monitor a few months ago, haven't had the cash to get anything decent just yet, and I'm using an old 17" display at 1024x768 for the time being. Might account for the smooshed together elements.
Dylan Couper September 30th, 2007, 12:01 AM It might be a resolution thing. I suppose I should merge the title elements all into one .jpg rather than have them seperate.
Lisa Shofner October 15th, 2007, 12:58 PM The Firefox browser doesn't render <div styles in the same way as IE6. IE7 also doesn't render <div styles in the same way all the time.
Firefox ignores a lot of "style=" settings on elements that aren't suposed to support them (though they do in IE5 and IE6) - such as the <font element. There are others.
So, what I'm trying to say is that when using styles or CSS files there might be some very strange looks that happen on Firefox and IE7. I've come to test all looks in Firefox as usually if it works there it will work in IE5-7.
I don't think a 1024x768 resolution should be an issue, unless it was actually designed larger than that.
Stuart Campbell October 15th, 2007, 02:44 PM I know you haven't proof read it yet but in case you miss it you spelt practising incorrectly;
"Video challenges to get you off your ass and out in the real world practicing your skills and filming something real, something brave, something to show off."
The verb form takes an 's'. Practising, not practicing. (I'm sure you knew that already).
Sorry for being fastidious, but I'm a sucker for the little details!
Good work, though!
Lorinda Norton October 15th, 2007, 04:20 PM Hmm...depends on where you live, maybe? My dictionary says "practicing." 'Course, some of us also spell it "spelled" rather than spelt. :)
Mike Teutsch October 15th, 2007, 05:11 PM Hum,
I checked and he is right! My visual thesaurus says:
Practicing=Actively engaged in a career or way of life or engaged in full time work!
Practising=Engage in a rehearsal, carry out or practice, learn by repetition!
The verb form is different. I learn something each day! I, in fact have never used it correctly.
Added: So if you say you are a practicing videographer it means you do it for a living. If you say you are a practising videographer is means you are trying to learn or doing it to improve or learn.
I don't feel bad though, my spell checker does not even recognize it.
Pete Bauer October 15th, 2007, 05:26 PM Depends on the dictionary. Merriam-Webster Online simply lists them as equally valid inflective variants and my 30 year old American Heritage lists "practise" as a mainly British form. Whatever...hey, these days I'm happy if someone online simply refrains from USING ALL CAPS!
But grammar is O.T. so if we want to continue, we'll need to break these posts off into a new thread in the Totem Pole.
Mike Teutsch October 15th, 2007, 05:31 PM Checked my two dictionaries and one says Stuart is right and the other other agrees with Pete.
Tie----No body wins! Either way is correct. Forget the Thesaurus!
Daniel Ross October 15th, 2007, 06:06 PM As Stuart is from Germany, the spelling makes sense as it is slowly being phased out of the language. It remains from middle english (from old english, etc), which is similar to german, and that also is similar to a german conjugation. It may also be more common in European English in general.
Spelt is certainly old fashioned and becoming outdated, though spelled is sorta lazy/new (but soon enough will be more official than spelt if things progress as they are).
I'd bet the publishing years on the dictionaries (or at a minimum the target audiences) reflect that.
Stuart Campbell October 16th, 2007, 12:45 PM I didn't expect this to generate such a response! We're probably getting into the realms of another forum altogether really!
I'm from England actually. Born and bred in London and Kent. I just happen to live and work in Germany right now!
I knew there were plenty of Americanisms in the English language, but I never realised verbs were affected too! Practice is indeed a verb in American!! Like you say, you learn something every day! Very interesting!
Just in case anyone is interested now this debate comes to a close, the English (as used outside of America) definition is as follows
Practise (to). It's a verb and is used whenever someone is doing something. John is practising football. John will be practising his football skills.
Practice is a noun. John will be going to football practice tonight. John took part in a football skills practice session.
Anyway! Thanks for that. DVinfo has expanded my language skills!
Dylan Couper October 16th, 2007, 03:57 PM Fixed!
Thanks guys.
Dylan Couper October 23rd, 2007, 09:48 PM Title section has been changed, can you guys tell me if it works fine for you?
Benjamin Durin October 23rd, 2007, 10:26 PM Works fine on Firefox here.
Robert Martens October 24th, 2007, 02:30 AM Yep! Works in all browsers here.
Dylan Couper October 24th, 2007, 05:09 PM Thanks guys!
Daniel Kohl October 28th, 2007, 04:15 PM Hi Dylan,
I just checked out the website. Looks good using Apple's Safari.
One thing that I was missing was what the theme for each challenge was.
Maybe you could include somewhere at the beginning of each of the lists.
Nice job!
Dylan Couper October 28th, 2007, 06:37 PM Hi Dylan,
I just checked out the website. Looks good using Apple's Safari.
One thing that I was missing was what the theme for each challenge was.
Maybe you could include somewhere at the beginning of each of the lists.
Nice job!
Good idea, I'll add it shortly!