View Full Version : Faded output for Encore

Brad Tyrrell
September 26th, 2007, 02:48 PM
I guess I must be the only one or I would find someone else complaining, but...

I don't seem to be able to get decent colors & black levels using the media encoder in CS3. I went back to using it after encoding with the Tsunami encoder for better resolution until CS3 was released. I had read that the resolution problems with HDV had been fixed. Well, sort of.

I just encoded the same 50 minute video with the Media Encoder in Premiere and then by frameserving to Tmpgenc and the difference is pretty huge. With Media encoder when I play the final DVD it looks like I've turned the saturation nearly off, lowered the contrast, and increased the brightness. With Tmpgenc everything looks great. Blacks are black colors are vivid. Same player, same settings in Encore, same burner, same monitor.

I'd actually hoped to be able to skip the frameserve with CS3. Is there a setting in the Media Encoder I've perhaps missed?