View Full Version : UWOL#5 ”The Viking Sheep” by Geir Inge B. Brekke

Geir Inge
September 25th, 2007, 01:13 PM
Bigger files for downloading:

QuickTime (77mb): The Viking Sheep (

Mediaplayer (82 mb): The Viking Sheep (

So, until now, the most interesting theme becomes the most challenging one :)

First I have to tell you about our extreme weather conditions.
It’s been raining for several weeks and still it’s pouring down.
I never managed to go to a small island and film my mammal in the wild,
not only because of the rain but to dock the island the sea has to be calm – it never was.
I talked to the national weather forecast and they told me that we’ve had the worst rain weather since year 1700.
My wife got tired of me moaning all day through because of the weather and she said;
“Use it for your own benefit, film it” – and so I did and I’ve put some of it in my film :)
I had just 2 days partly sunny, windy and rain clouds, then just rain, rain and thunderstorms.

About my mammal:
I did a research on the sheep and I could tell you all about behaviour,
special flock instinct, behaviour against predators and maybe the relationship between the Magpies and the Viking sheep etc.
But it all had to fit into our 3 min limit.
So finally I went for a historical point of view and how this breed of sheep has survived on the western coast of Norway.
I asked Meryem for help with my English gramma,
to use "may" or "might" in a question.
That's why I mention her in my ending text if you should wonder.

What about the Magpie?
Well, you just have to watch my film :)

And I welcome your criticism and feedback very much, thank you.

Geir Inge

Bruce Foreman
September 25th, 2007, 10:54 PM
Well, Geir

You'll get no criticism from me. The cinematography was meticulous with every scene well composed, well exposed, and very colorful.

I had to watch it twice the first time, and I'll probably watch it some more because every scene was crisp, showing fine detail in the closeups and beautiful scenery in the long shots.

I enjoyed your film and even learned some interesting facts about viking sheep. They sure look hardier than what I've seen running around here in West Texas.

Jason Sovey
September 25th, 2007, 11:58 PM
That was great! The colors were so vibrant. I would have never thought a documentary about sheep would be interesting. But I was wrong. This was captivating. It goes to show that it not the subject, but the creativity of the filmmaker that makes a piece great. You have done just that.

It interesting to think that the horns we see on Viking helmets likely came from this breed of sheep.

Per Johan Naesje
September 26th, 2007, 12:34 AM
Geir Inge,
you did very well on this one! I liked it alot and learned much about The Viking Sheep.
The weather isn't anything we can do about and it was sad to hear that you didn't got out on the island!

Your story and narrating is excellent Geir Inge. So is your way of shooting the footage, the close-ups was stunning with lots of details.

Good work as always!

David Gemmell
September 26th, 2007, 03:24 AM
Hi Geir Inge,

I found this entry very informative. It was very easy just sitting back and listening and learning. I loved the narration, as I find your voice has a real calming and relaxing influence.

The shots were composed very nicely and the overall story flowed well. Also liked the music at the start and the establishing shots of the Norwegian coastline, buildings, etc. I also enjoyed the shots you took low down at the sheeps eye level.

The magpie on the sheep's head was a great shot, and the way you brought the deer into the story worked well.

Lovely sharp images - although your landscapes colours look a bit flat sometimes. Do you use a polarising lens Geir Inge?

With the rain you have been getting, I think you have done very well with this entry. A great story, very informative and shot beautifully.

Well done...

Mat Thompson
September 26th, 2007, 05:38 AM
Ok then, firstly your editing and story telling in this piece is great. It feels like a well rounded mini documentary. It tells a story, it poses questions, it educates. I think this is your best piece of 'film making' to date. It shows you don't need a hard to reach wild animal to make a good story.

It was a shame the large ram had the plastic tags in his ears, just takes away that natural beauty huh! I saw one strange editing choice too at 1.51 cutting to a wide from the magpie shot then cutting back to the same shot seemed odd. It would have be better to cut to a detail or close up when returning to the same shot.

A great entry Geir, well done.

Trond Saetre
September 26th, 2007, 06:29 AM
One more master piece from you, Geir Inge.
Who thought sheep could be that interesting.
Compared to those sheep I found for my backup plan, yours look way more tough!

Well done with the editing and VO too.

Thanks for sharing.

Catherine Russell
September 26th, 2007, 11:11 AM

A true masterpiece. You just continue to blow the top of how high uwol can go in cinematography workmanship and art.

Your narration is perfect, the music is perfect ...

You were smart to take your wife's advice and get out there and film regardless of bad weather. It added to it, not take away.

And yes, the Magpie.... nice to see they are causing trouble all over the world!

This is a top film. And we are all blessed to see it!


John Dennis Robertson
September 26th, 2007, 12:16 PM
Hey Geir
when I read you filmed sheep, I thought how on earth can you make sheep exiting enough to watch. I was half right and half wrong. I was right in your sheep never did anything spectacular or unexpected, they behaved exactly like ummmmm sheep. Having said that your video technique your story telling and over all idea and concept of the whole project made this a good video. It’s in my top 3 right now. Something I need to take more consideration of when filming is getting those establishing shots. On your video it works well and I most certainly have learnt from it. Thank you.

Ruth Happel
September 26th, 2007, 12:21 PM

As always, I enjoyed your film. The various shots of both sheep and their habitat were excellent, and you found a compelling way to make a subject most of us could film into a fascinating focus. Your narration and the music enhance the flow- I learned a lot, too, which is great.

And, you even managed to use the bad weather to good advantage, by getting some footage of that into the video to good purpose! That is definitely making lemonade from lemons.

Great job, again.


Chris Barcellos
September 26th, 2007, 02:07 PM

This piece is very interesting, and holds your attention well. The variety of shots and the variety of animals kept my attention well, and the naration was just fine. Footage was spectacular !

The only thing that might be of issue from the standpoint of a making this a National Geographics caliber film, was the pov shot (camera running through grass just after shot of heard running). Though it was neat, it didn't feel realistic to me, and detracted a bit from the flow. I am sure other may differ from that, but that is my two cents, if I might be so presumptious. Really great film.

Geir Inge
September 26th, 2007, 03:04 PM
Thank you everyone for feedback, you're all too nice :)

Sorry, but I'm in the middle of changing job. Friday I'll quit my job as a youth worker, Monday I start in my new job as a leader in a private company.
So there's a lot to do for me right now. Just came home from a huge conference about "ethics and collaboration", which I lead so I'm a bit tired. Just poping in to say I will download and look at your films this weekend and of course give my feedback to you all :)

David - polarising lens?
Yes, polarising filter.

Mat - edtiting choice?
Got the point and agreed with you.
In fact the Magpie sequence is shot in one take but I somehow touched the treepod in the middle and had to do a cut, I didn't have a closeup, was afraid I would scare the magpie.

John Dennis - sheep exitng?
Well, I think they can be :)
It's what you deliver that counts, but my idea was to start this film at the farm and then go to the island where these sheep live as wild. As I've told before the weather stopped me from doing just so. So I had to figure out a way to make a film as present - hmmm - as I could and it came to this.

Chris - running through the gras?
I just wanted to be the sheep for a moment :)
But I take the hint, and I think maybe it has to do with angle, cutting in editing and how closeup to the sheep running.

Now, I have to count some sheep and get me some sleep :)

Ron Chant
September 28th, 2007, 07:12 AM
Hi Geir Inge, from the start of your short video I thought that the music timing with each transition was A1, along with your storyline of the rear breed of sheep with their heavy coats and distinguishing horns.
The scene with the magpie feeding was a great shot and the close up at the end, with the nice autumn colours being to show through.
Nice work

Gordon Hoffman
September 28th, 2007, 07:17 AM
Geir Inge I think your pick of music was a good one. Beautiful scenery and educational. Well done.

Geir Inge
September 29th, 2007, 06:26 AM
Thank you Ron and Gordon for responding to my little film about sheep.
I appreciate it very much :)

To you Mat: I forgot to tell you that the goverment in Norway say that each animal held on a farm has to be marked this way. Also the wild sheep on the island I didn't get to film is marked this way, but I agreed with you, it doesn't look nice though :)

Markus Nord
October 4th, 2007, 01:39 AM
This film got a superb feeling... a nice smooth flow. The music fits the landscape perfect. I just find one technical thing I don’t like, the zoom out in 1:16. It is some thing with zoom outs/in in the middle of a clip that I don’t like, maybe it’s just me. But adder wise it is a solid film. Some times you “crop” the sheep’s on the close ups but it is not a big deal. I like the way you (or you wife) used the bad weather in the film, it fitted perfect in the story, good job (to you wife).

Fin film
Jag vill se mer av dina “Viking” filmer.

Markus Nord

Dale Guthormsen
October 10th, 2007, 05:59 PM

I enjoyed your film and learned some interesting things too. I think your naration was first rate and the volume was comfortable and uniform all the way through (something I need to paymore attention to).
I thought the one cut away to the house as rather sharp and for me it went from gentle to harsh (personal opinion of course).

I felt that the mood was perfect, I felt as if I were there, and that does not happen often for me !!! that in itself places your piece in the top ridings!!

Great job

Geir Inge
October 12th, 2007, 03:39 PM
Thank you Markus and Dale for nice comments.

Sorry for not answering earlier, but my internett connection's been down and I've started in a new job. Not so much time for "internetting" uwol friends :)

The zoom, well I wasn't sure if I should use it or not, but I did. I'm not so found of zooms myself but this time I had to pick among the clips I had.

The house too sharp, I know, it was one of the 2 days with sun and the clouds came and went, it was difficult to find the right ballance. You can even see some white on my cheek and my nose if you watch my rejected file.

Geir Inge