View Full Version : Rode NTG-1 and audio settings problems

Luigi Beverelli
September 25th, 2007, 11:39 AM
Hi all,
I have a problem with audio settings for my HVR V1-U with a RODE NTG-1 microphone.

I recorded some clips of a jazz band, but the sound quality is distorted sometimes when the sound is loud.
I think (and hope...) that I've used the wrong settings for that microphone, because I know that it's a good mic (I know that it's not the best...).

My settings are:

- 0db was on Trim 1 and 2.
- Gain control was set on manual at 5db.
- Rec chanel on CH-1

What should be the right settings to use with that microphone ?
It is possible to clean some distorsion from FCP6 or Soundtrack ?
Thanks for your help.

David Ennis
September 25th, 2007, 03:43 PM
Hello Luigi,
The NTG-1 can easily put out 20 millivolts or more during loud passages. This is enough to overload the inputs of some camcorders, which will cause clipping even if the level meters indicate proper levels. For instance, I've tested my GL2 and found that it clips when more than 15 millivolts is applied to the input.

I'm not familiar with the controls you mentioned on your cam, but it is always a good idea to set all controls to their mid points, and then try the mic under the expected conditions. If it seems too hot, then turn on the -20dB attenuation if your cam has that option (it probably does). Then trim your levels.

If the clipping distortion isn't too bad, the "clip restoration" function of some programs can improve the audio.

Luigi Beverelli
September 26th, 2007, 01:33 AM
Thanks David,
will try to follow your advice for the next times...