View Full Version : Losing Sync in Media Player

James Campbell
September 23rd, 2007, 02:39 PM
When I rendered a Cineform avi (Filmscan 1) for 1080 24p, it starts out awesome in MS Media Player, but shortly thereafter the audio doesn't sync correctly with video. It was only a 4 Gig clip. MS Media Player worked fine with a 720p wmv render I did. I've tried the Classic Media Player, but that stops/starts & is very jumpy with the 1080 24p render. My system is dual core 2.13, 2 Gig RAM. Any setting changes with 1080 render that will work better in a media player program.

[BTW: finally purchased Neo HDV... smart render is incredible. Also, not having to render clips into 24p just to view them properly by capturing with HDLink is very nice]

David Taylor
September 23rd, 2007, 06:27 PM

I'm suspecting your PC is not quite capable of playing the full-res clip back without losing A/V sync. Ty this - Go to Start Menu --> All Programs --> CineForm --> Tools --> Desktop Playback - Fast.

This tells our codec to exploit the multi-res decoding nature of Wavelet algorithms, so your clip will play back at 960x540 which requires less CPU, so I suspect it'll playback perfectly in sync.

FilmScan 1 is a very high quality video render, and the files are slightly larger. Larger files (per second) take more CPU to decode than smaller files (per second).

BTW, all clips invoked outside an editor will play back at half res until you choose the "Playback Settings - Quality" setting in the same folder.

This trick is good for others to note also if you were not aware of this.