View Full Version : Alternative to MXO?

Philip Lampe
September 23rd, 2007, 07:15 AM

I've tried the Matrox MXO with my MBP. Unfortunately the MXO doesn't work with the video cards in the current line of MBPs. Is there another way to get quality preview monitoring on a laptop? Or even just a split output of the editing software's preview monitor panel on external computer monitor and a full screen preview on an external HDTV or broadcast monitor?

Searched the forums and think at this point there might not be any other solution for laptops out there than the MXO, but part of me can't believe that that could be the case.

Thanks for any info!

Andy Mees
September 23rd, 2007, 08:27 AM
from a laptop you're looking at the AJA IO (for SD only) or the IO HD (for HD)

or quick and dirty, if you're using FCP6, is to set your external video output to DV and pass that to your HDTV or broadcast monitor (but the DV output works in 4:3 only)

or how about using a DVI converter and pass the Cinema Display Preview to the HDTV / Monitor

Andrew Kimery
September 23rd, 2007, 10:54 AM
There is also the Motu V3HD.


Nate Weaver
September 23rd, 2007, 11:29 PM
I've found something very interesting with my Macbook Pro and my Panasonic BH1700...

I bought a VGA to RGBHV's a cord that goes from VGA (duh) to RGB component, but with added H and V sync BNC connections as well.

It connects to my Panasonic HD monitor when it is in RGB-COMP mode...the monitor basically emulating a computer monitor.

With the computer outputting 1280x720 (the native res of the monitor), the color profile set to "Generic RGB Profile", and FCP's Desktop Cinema Preview on..the Panasonic is almost dead accurate to the same signal being driven to it via HD-SDI. It shouldn't be even close to correct, but it is...

This won't work for every display device, but if you have a MacBook and the panny 17", it's awesome.

Andy Mees
September 24th, 2007, 03:29 AM
probably OK with progressive footage, but I wouldn't think it would give a correctly interlaced display when working with interlaced stuff?

Philip Lampe
September 24th, 2007, 06:49 AM
Thanks for your replies!

I will take a closer look at the ioHD and the new MOTU, though they offer so much more functionality than what I need and are priced accordingly. The MOTU seems to be somewhat limited in terms of codec. Something like the MXO would have been perfect for me.

I hope there will be other solutions in the near future.
