View Full Version : ppcs3 project wont open after delting render files

Peter Zipfel
September 18th, 2007, 05:02 PM
Hope someones had this issue..or I'm out about 80 hours worth of work..
Been working on a project a month or so problems...running low on drive space so I deleted the render files.. now cannot open the project for the life of me...two error messages..."serious error needs to close will try to save"", and "needs to close/sorry for the inconvenience". Windows XP 4Gb ram intel duos, nvidia 7800. Other projects open Ok...just this one that has the last two weeks of my life in it. Any help sincerely appreciated! have already reinstalled entire production premium apps..did have an error message on reinstall about flash and encore library apps failing install..

Peter Ferling
September 20th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Delete your temporary media cache/conformed audio files. Try opening again.

Run check disk on the hard drive that holds your media.

Move your captured media or rename the parent folder that captured media is in. This will force PPro to ask for the location of the media. Select "offline all", but do not save! If it opens, then you have a corrupt file that kills the program. To confirm this, just reopen the project, and when it asks for the new location of the media files, do so, and see if it crashes.

K.C. Luke
September 20th, 2007, 05:49 PM
Delete your temporary media cache/conformed audio files. Try opening again.

Run check disk on the hard drive that holds your media.

Move your captured media or rename the parent folder that captured media is in. This will force PPro to ask for the location of the media. Select "offline all", but do not save! If it opens, then you have a corrupt file that kills the program. To confirm this, just reopen the project, and when it asks for the new location of the media files, do so, and see if it crashes.

Thanks this is sometime ago I face the same problem. Good info