View Full Version : Pre-set and green square question

Clay K. Carson
September 18th, 2007, 03:49 PM
I usually shoot manual with the vividrgb pre-set. I have someone who ocassionally uses the camera who is not proficient with technical and really never will be. She does not use the camera that much and is not interested in devoting a lot of time. So be it.

She just turns the camera to the green square so if I have changed some setting it will not screw her up. The problem is the default settings are a bit flat. Is there a way to change the picture settings to something more like vividrgb when in green square mode?



Daniel Browning
September 18th, 2007, 04:31 PM
No. Just do it in post.

Eric Weiss
September 18th, 2007, 05:25 PM
Don't green box it. It makes everything look like a morgue.

Show her how to set it to "Auto" and hit a preset of choice.

1 dial and 2 buttons. If she can't handle that, she probably shouldn't be using the camera. It's just going to make more work for you.

Mark Fry
September 20th, 2007, 08:35 AM
Don't green box it. It makes everything look like a morgue.

Show her how to set it to "Auto" and hit a preset of choice.

1 dial and 2 buttons. If she can't handle that, she probably shouldn't be using the camera. It's just going to make more work for you.

Auto is pretty fool-proof, if you dial in a couple of things yourself first. Set gain to manual, 0 dB, and choose your prefered camera preset. Switch the OIS on in the menu. I imagine you'll want to switch white balance to auto, likewise audio-level and auto-focus. So long as you trust your friend not to fiddle with the switches on the left-hand side once you hand the camera over, you shouldn't have a problem.

Bill Pryor
September 20th, 2007, 09:46 AM
I have a similar friend who can't comprehend camera controls and shoots on auto. It works about 95% of the time for him. The only thing I did was to crank down the auto iris about half a stop. Its default is too hot.