Paul Ravenscroft
September 18th, 2007, 10:54 AM
Could someone please explain the various pros and cons of using the multitude of available shutter speeds. I do a lot of transport videography with objects moving at typically around 30 to 50mph. From my still photograhy days my reaction would be to use the highest shutter speed possible at least 1/250s. Is this OK with 1080i HDV or will the picture look jerky? I seem to recall someone telling me that the shutter speed should be aligned with the TV line rate (i.e. 1/50s in UK). I assume that's the preset. Any help appreciated
Brandon Freeman
September 18th, 2007, 11:04 AM
High shutter speeds will give you that Saving Private Ryan look. Depending on the frame rate, this might be distracting. For 24f mode, it's definitely distracting (for me), especially when shooting handheld. The same goes for 30f mode, though it's not as terrible. However, for 60i HDV, it shouldn't be a problem. Video seems to handle fast shudder speeds very well -- the picture moves by so fast due to the simulated 60 fps that you can't really notice whether the picture judders or not. My two cents.
Trevor Bray
September 18th, 2007, 12:35 PM
I shoot a lot of horses. Always tripod mounted without OIS. I shoot 25f at 1/50th. Use the ND filter and iris wheel to control exposure. Got to say very happy with the result. Tried this weekend at 50i, it's not for me.
I'm sure you've heard it before but you need to try different things for yourself.
What suits me may not suit you. Be sure to check out the preset forum.
You have got a great bit of kit. Enjoy.