Alfred Diaz
September 17th, 2007, 11:47 PM
I use Premiere Pro 1.5 and I need to make a quicktime movie out of a 10 minute project. The project will be viewed on the web and downloaded by high-speed users.
So far I have made a couple quicktime movies, but the only acceptable versions I have made are about 500 megs in size - way too large. I need my project to be about 60 megs (less would be nicer).
Why can't I get the size down without compromising video and sound.
So, what are your suggests on the best settings for making quicktime web videos in Premiere.
That's it. I don't want to have to buy more software. But if that is what it is going to take, I might consider it. I will take your suggests and create movies and give you the results.
Rob Stoner
September 18th, 2007, 07:03 AM
I would try dropping the framerate down to around 15 frames and the audio down to 24 mono. also check out this article. it is for uploading to youtube but the principles apply to anything for the web.
Bert Smyth
September 18th, 2007, 12:47 PM
I know buying more software sucks, but I relented and got Sorenson's "Squeeze". I now just export my project from Premiere as an uncompressed AVI file, and then do all my compression for web/YouTube in Squeeze, its much easier and I get really good results.
Alfred Diaz
September 20th, 2007, 01:00 AM
I've tried everything. I just can't get it down as much as what I see other files are doing. So how much is Sorensen Squeeze, and what version should I get.
By the way,
I have lowered the frame rate, lowered the bit rate, decreased the size to 180 by 120, lowered the quality and played around with the key framing too.
I guess what I really want is to understand what the hec I am doing when I am messing with all that stuff. I hate not knowing what is going on with all those options.
Oh. I have also tried the presets available for various modem speeds.
So are you certain I have to shell out more bucks?
Al Diaz
Matthew Pugerude
September 20th, 2007, 10:13 AM
It is cheaper then buying Squeeze. If your really have had it. get Quick time Pro. here's the workflow.
Edit in premiere> Export timeline out as AVI > Open Quicktime player > Use the export function> export in the H.264 format > Done
Now you can save your pennies to buy the Adobe upgrade and be able to export out quicktime H.264 from the timeline.
Squeeze cost 499.00
I have not had the pleasure yet of exporting to a Web format in CS3 so I am runing a test right now to see how it goes. It is a 7 min project I did for a client. I will let you now how big the file is when it is done.
Well, the out come was great from the Adobe Media encoder in CS3. The file was 47megs with out audio (sorry I did it so quickly I did not notice that the Audio check mark was not checked) So you will need to add some megs to that. I also did a 100 % quaility. with all that said I don't think that you should have any problem doing the samething in QT pro. My project was a HDV project with heavey graphics, Dynamic linking, Several layers or audio and video. So this is no easy encoding project. I also did a one minute section to help you figure out how many megs your project will be. That file ended up being 10.1 megs. Now remember this is a 100 quality and audio settings are left at default. So go do your math and figure out if you can get it small enough for your clients.
Alfred Diaz
September 20th, 2007, 10:41 PM
Thank you for being so thourough. A lot of useful information. And I like saving money very much. My client will be happy to. He just gave me the request for the Quicktime verison this week. So I need to come up with something soon.
What's funny is that all this will be a mute point when my clients start requesting flash type files for the web. Yet another thing to master. Does it ever end.
Al Diaz
Peter Ferling
September 21st, 2007, 09:46 PM
Quicktime Pro. $30. Sorenson Squeeze, $300. I have both and use QT more.
Kenneth Johnson
September 21st, 2007, 10:16 PM
buy a mac and get FCP. I got rid of adobe 6 months ago and love the mac.