View Full Version : Highly informative EX1 review (with new features!)

Simon Wyndham
September 17th, 2007, 08:27 AM

Interesting features that I wasn't aware of! CA reduction circuits similar to the HPX500, and the reflective/transmissive hybrid LCD (in other words strong sunlight will actually HELP you to see it!)

Paul Izbicki
September 18th, 2007, 12:07 AM

Interesting features that I wasn't aware of! CA reduction circuits similar to the HPX500, and the reflective/transmissive hybrid LCD (in other words strong sunlight will actually HELP you to see it!)

From the way it was reported and written, and since neither Sony nor any other reviewer has commented on this feature previously, I think it safe to think of the CA circuits as only functioning with Sony's own WA lens. Another cool feature.

Chris Hurd
September 20th, 2007, 02:37 PM
Out of everything I've seen so far online, David Leitner's article (link in the first post of this thread) is by far the single most comprehensive and most accurate overview of the PMW-EX1 camcorder available to date. As it provides an excellent starting point for anyone seeking general information about this camera which goes beyond the Sony product brochure, I am "sticking" this thread so that it appears at the top of this forum's index page. For anyone who has not yet read it, run (don't walk) to David's first-look review of the EX1 on the Digital Content Producer web site at

Paul Cronin
September 21st, 2007, 06:47 AM
Thanks Chris great read.

John Vincent
November 19th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Normally wouldn't think of buying a Sony... But this cam is looking like an amazing deal for the price.... ($6,700 over at B&H).
