View Full Version : "tears In The Rain"

Bob Hart
September 16th, 2007, 01:57 PM
This address is to behind the scenes footage of the JVC GY-HD100/P+S Technik Mini35 and Skater dolly in use on a short movie, "Tears in the rain".

A good way to spend a weekend or two.

Bob Hart
November 12th, 2007, 10:12 PM
The camera operator for "Tears in the Rain", for a violent scene of a hostage being dragged scambling over the debris of a fallen building to an underground bunker, - wanted the motion signature of a faster shutter speed in combination with the facility of a zoom lens.

The following combination was used :-

JVC GY-HD100, Mini35-400, Tokina for Nikon f2.8 20mm-35mm zoom, shutter at 25P 1/120th sec, lens aperture setting and relay aperture setting unknown to me unfortunately, outdoors in bright early summer 2pm sunlight 32 degrees south latitude, camera direction varied from facing north-east to south-east.

They seem to have got away with it with no apparent groundglass artifacts.

The Tokina seemed to render the overhead sky as an un-natural deeper blue but this may have been a by-product of having to adjust exposure for bright light colours in the building rubble and the actors themselves.

Bob Hart
November 27th, 2007, 07:11 AM
Another little update.

The director wanted to use a particular lens, an old Tamron Adaptamatic f3.5 80mm - 250mm zoom for Nikon in artificial lighting indoors and outdoors at night.

The glass in this lens was sweet on a 16mm cinecamera but that was in 1978.

Lens coatings are nowhere to be seen so I expected all manner of flare. The lens is older and larger than the more common and newer Tamron Adaptall version.

I didn't like the chances of getting good images however I was proven wrong and he was happy with what he got.