View Full Version : Lighting for Canon XL2

Francis Basco
September 15th, 2007, 05:18 PM
Hi. I currently own a canon xl2 and i, along with my other friend, do video for cotillions/birthday parties and such. Our problem is the lack of lighting and I am wondering if anyone on this forum has suggestions for good lighting from $200-300 and if anyone can show me sites where I can get good lighting.

I was looking on B&H photo and unfortunately for me, there are no user reviews on this site. So, it would be great if you guys & gals can help me out.

Thanks, Francis Basco

Jonathan Jones
September 15th, 2007, 09:46 PM
Hi Francis,
Since your questions about lighting aren't aren't actually specific to the XL2, but rather digital video in general, you'll have a lot more luck searching through the Photon Management pages farther up in the forums.

There you will find tons of information on lighting gear, techniques, budget conscious packages, etc. You'll also have much better luck posting lighting queries in that forum since it is looked at mostly by folks interested in lighting, whereas the XL2 forum is mostly frequented by XL2 enthusiasts, which will limit the exposure of your questions.

Good luck.


Jonathan Jones
September 15th, 2007, 09:48 PM
BTW: Welcome to the forums. Nice to have another Bay Area shooter on board.


Francis Basco
September 15th, 2007, 10:43 PM
ohh.. thanks for the heads up & welcome.

Prashanna Jayaseelan
October 9th, 2007, 02:09 PM
LED lights are really nice - you should check these lights out - very good for their price -

David H. Castillo
October 11th, 2007, 08:52 PM
In the past I have shot many many hours of footage with XL2. A wonderful camera and an amazing work horse. I would recommend for a light kit in $300 to $200 range, Photoflex star light kit, a 1k soft box and stand that is a beautiful light and very versatile. I have some sample of the XL2 using Photoflex at the web link below.

David H Castillo
Director of Photography
Blue Barn Pictures, Inc