View Full Version : HD1000 should be coming out next week in Japan

Kaku Ito
September 14th, 2007, 06:33 AM
I will take a look at it and let you folks know how it is.

Chris Hurd
September 14th, 2007, 06:54 AM
We're really looking forward to that, Kaku -- thanks!

Kaku Ito
September 15th, 2007, 05:41 AM
The release date was pushed to 21st.

Kaku Ito
September 18th, 2007, 08:45 AM
I went to a camera shop just in case but didn't see it out yet.

Kaku Ito
September 20th, 2007, 10:25 AM
Staff from Sanyo is saying that HD1000's 1920 x 1080 clip won't be able to play back on QuickTime on Mac.

I'm surprised to hear this because one of the key person of Sanyo camera section is very good friend with Steve Jobs and always followed up Apple's QuickTime technology on their cams.

They are intending to fix the problem with Apple.

Kaku Ito
September 20th, 2007, 09:07 PM
I went to check at Bic Camera in Shibuya and they had it selling for 118000 yen. I checked it around and looks like they made many improvements.
As long as you're shooting regularly and the smear looking artifacts that are visible with DH1 are gone.

I almost bought it, but it seems that you can't have the shutter speed at fixed value, that stopped me from buying. Also, I wanted to see the recorded clips on a large monitor. So, sorry guys, no clips I can provide at this point.

I'm going to ask the magazine editor guy to let me try one.

Chris Hurd
September 20th, 2007, 09:09 PM
Thanks for the updates Kaku... I hope your editor comes through.

I owe you an email...

Kaku Ito
September 20th, 2007, 09:12 PM

I just made a request to VideoAlpha. Hope this comes through.

Paulo Teixeira
September 21st, 2007, 09:58 AM
Staff from Sanyo is saying that HD1000's 1920 x 1080 clip won't be able to play back on QuickTime on Mac.

I'm surprised to hear this because one of the key person of Sanyo camera section is very good friend with Steve Jobs and always followed up Apple's QuickTime technology on their cams.

They are intending to fix the problem with Apple.
At least the 720 60p files are playable on QuickTime.

Video Sample:

Kaku Ito
September 21st, 2007, 06:12 PM

Actually, Sanyo's 1080 sample clip played on my Mac Pro 8 core okay.
They say depending on the version of QT and operatig system.

By the way, one of the disappointment on HD1000 was the manual focus acts the same as HD1, while your shooting, the focus can't be adjusted.

Paulo Teixeira
September 21st, 2007, 08:04 PM
That’s not fair. 2 days ago at Harvard Law, when I was on break, I tried playing a 720 60p file on their 5 gig Mac Pro and it played very good but when I tried playing a 1080 60i file, you can hear the audio but it’s a green screen. I could have downloaded DivX but in many colleges, you have to be the Administrator to download new software.

Somebody should try downloading DivX to there own personal Apple computer and see if the file will play on that.

Kaku Ito
September 29th, 2007, 05:41 AM
Sanyo was showing HD1000 in front of Yodobashi Camera today with full-HD LCD panel connected.

The video looks so much better than my HD1 for sure, but maybe poorer than AVCHD cams. Great for the price for sure, but I pointed out to the Sanyo person about lack of manual focus control during the shoot and no fully manual setting for the shutter speed (if I'm correct).
I encouraged him that Sanyo should make even better version with manual focus control, external remote (lanc) and audio inputs for pros, and oh yeah, 24frame recording, too.

Awkward zoom control that results shaky zoom work should be fixed with the use of external remote. The Sanyo sales person wasn't even aware of changing the focus during the shoot which is typical expression of video shooting. I guess they think of just making the focus like still camera.

Lynne Whelden
September 30th, 2007, 09:42 AM
Now that there's a number of choices amongst the pocket-sized HD cams, I wonder if some sort of ranking can be made. Perhaps using the Aiptek $160 camcorder as the base model and making comparisons based on image quality. As it stands now (this may be a premature question), would the HD1000's image be at the very top of the scale--say, a 9 on a scale of 1-10?

Kaku Ito
September 30th, 2007, 11:43 AM
There were a static shots of waterfall and animals that they were showing, with zoomed in, the static shots looks pretty good, but the things are out of focus in the back ground of animal shots looked smudged, the boke looked pretty poor.
And all of the splashes and waves on the waterfall shots had undesirable compression imperfections.

But it looks so much better than HD1 though.