Robert Rogoz
September 13th, 2007, 10:39 AM
Sorry about stupid question, but here it is. Recently I switched from DVX100 to GY-HD100. I shot some stuff in 720/30p and in 480/30p and I don't like the look of the footage. First of all the color saturation is so-so. Second and more important- the camera produced more "digital looking" picture then my old DVX100. I did read the manual, checked some other web information, hooked up the camera to a monitor to tweak the settings (looks OK on the monitor!). However I am still not happy with the result. On Panasonic DVX100 there was a feature called file setting, for shooting in different lighting conditions (you know the round dial with numbers F1-F7). Looks like there is nothing like that on GY100? Any idea greatly appreciated!