View Full Version : Glidecam 4000

Alan Moore
September 13th, 2007, 07:12 AM
I have spent nearly a day now trying to balance this device.
I have a Sony HDV FX1 attached. How many weights should I be putting on the bottom? and how far should the centre post be out from the base.
I have studied the Video and the instructions .... Help please
Alan Moore

Fredric Savard
September 13th, 2007, 02:06 PM

The number of conterweight disc on th foot of the stabilizer depend how your lower post is extended.

Take the handle of your glidecam with your camera and one or two conterweight disc at the base, each side.

Place your stabilizer at the horizontal and let him revolve downward. He will have to take approximately from 2 to 3 seconds before passing in the vertical axis. If he passes there too fast raise the lower column or remove disks of counterweight or made the opposite if he passes there too slowly. Then straighten the bottom stage fore and aft and side to side.

Frédéric Savard

Alan Moore
September 14th, 2007, 05:07 AM
Have tried this and it is getting better, thanks. Am phoning technical support today in Kingston
Alan Moore