Trent Humphrey
September 11th, 2007, 09:51 PM
I would love for some of ya'll (im from kentucky) to share some of your editing methods as well as work flow methods. I see a lot of great quality samples in the sample section and streaming video that is perfect looking however I can not achieve such quality yet after rendering. Share whatever methods, codecs, and software you use in order to help new users to the xh a1. Thanks for all the help guys and gals.
Trish Kerr
September 12th, 2007, 07:09 AM
David Chia posted his process for going from HDV to SD DVD
another on compression
here is an export workflow in pics on another site for FCP
I'd check the editing section of the forum for whatever tool you use, ie vegas, FCP, premiere as people do get into discussions on compression in some detail.
As far as workflow from editing to end product, again depending on your editing package, I'd grab a book from the library that is specific to that editing software - this kind of info is usually covered well - especially in the FCP series.
I have two of the books and they are very good reference. FCP and Advanced Editing Techniques in FCP (the certificate series)