View Full Version : "Like Moles, Like Rats" Final Trailer

Daniel Broadway
September 11th, 2007, 02:46 PM
As some of you know, I've been working as visual effects supervisor on my first feature length independent film. Post Production will be done within a week, and I just wanted to show everyone the official website and the final trailer.

Go to...

You can navigate around the site and view the trailer but clicking the "Trailer" button, obviously.

The trailer features a few of my visual effects shots, comments and critiques are welcome on that as well.

Tunde Anjorin
September 12th, 2007, 08:46 PM
Website rock dude!!!! I'll be brief...I'll give you the good first you film looks very professional, I see good production value, the acting looks good from what I've seen,and the visuals look very plausibel give your self a high five!!!!!!!

The trailer needs to be reworked! Most people don't know how effective a good trailer can be, and a good trailer can set your flick apart from all the rest out there. I 'd suggest paying someone who cuts trailers to do it, because I think your flick really looks that good!!

Nathan Quattrini
September 13th, 2007, 02:10 AM
Highly well done. Everything looks great, lighting, acting, sound. But isn't that the story of Children of Men?

Daniel Broadway
September 13th, 2007, 03:10 AM
Thanks for the replies. I should mention again, that this is not my film. The film is directed by Jim Torres. I am merely their visual effects guy. But I will pass your words along.

The movie does share some similarities to Children of Men, but the story arc, from my understanding is far different. That being said, I've never watched Children of Men, I'm just saying what I've been told.

Thanks again.

Nathan Quattrini
September 13th, 2007, 04:04 AM
no problem i hope i didn`t offend. The film still looks great, and honestly I haven't seen children of men either so I can only compare trailers of what I've seen. I hope some day to edit at your level, it seriously looks great

Daniel Broadway
September 13th, 2007, 03:25 PM
no problem i hope i didn`t offend. The film still looks great, and honestly I haven't seen children of men either so I can only compare trailers of what I've seen. I hope some day to edit at your level, it seriously looks great

No offense taken. All comments are welcome. I was simply answering your question.

Bert Smyth
September 13th, 2007, 04:30 PM
Opps! Um, well, I agree that the production quality is great, nice work all round, but, er, that IS "Children of Men", at least from the trailer. I've seen Chlidren of Men and even the locations look the same. I don't know how that's going to go over; the line about not seeing kids in years and "the whole world will change" could have been taken right from CoM, and the whole scenerio of protecting a pregnant woman whose unborn child is the future of humanity (again, just from the trailer that you posted) is exactly the same premise. The scenes where they are having shoot-outs in the post-apocalyptic future look straight out of Children of Men. Not that I mind at all, and it does look well done by the way, but just out of morbid curiosity don't the fimmakers worry about getting sued? I mean, if I created Children of Men, I'd certainly be calling my lawyer after seeing that trailer. Good work on your part though.

Daniel Broadway
September 13th, 2007, 09:29 PM
Opps! Um, well, I agree that the production quality is great, nice work all round, but, er, that IS "Children of Men", at least from the trailer. I've seen Chlidren of Men and even the locations look the same. I don't know how that's going to go over; the line about not seeing kids in years and "the whole world will change" could have been taken right from CoM, and the whole scenerio of protecting a pregnant woman whose unborn child is the future of humanity (again, just from the trailer that you posted) is exactly the same premise. The scenes where they are having shoot-outs in the post-apocalyptic future look straight out of Children of Men. Not that I mind at all, and it does look well done by the way, but just out of morbid curiosity don't the fimmakers worry about getting sued? I mean, if I created Children of Men, I'd certainly be calling my lawyer after seeing that trailer. Good work on your part though.

Well, again, I haven't seen Children of Men. And this movie's script was, believe it or not, made long before any of the filmmakers had heard of Children of Men. This movie was shot entirely in June-July of 2006.

Also, from my understanding, Children of Men is a gritty, realistic take on a post-apocalyptic future. Like Moles, Like Rats is more of a post-apocalypitc fantasy. It's not mean to be "gritty and realistic". LMLR has many fantastical elements to the story. In that way, LMLR and CoM differ very greatly.

That being said, I really shouldn't speak for the production, as I am only the visual effects supervisor, and have nothing to do with the story or it's presentation. :)

Also, you can read a synopsis at the main page...

Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. :)

Bert Smyth
September 14th, 2007, 09:19 AM
LMLR has many fantastical elements to the story. In that way, LMLR and CoM differ very greatly.

You're absolutely right, there are no fantastical elements in Children of Men, so that would make Like Moles, Like Rats, a very different movie. What the head honchos might take away from the feedback you've gotten so far is that the trailier needs tweeking so that the parallel between the two movies does not appear to be so distinct. It looks good though, and I really like the title of your film.

Edit: I read the synopsis. There are two main elements that I think the producers may struggle with criticism for being too similar to Children of Men: That Sarah is going to deliver the first baby that the world has seen for 15 years (even the time line is so close, about 18 years for Children of Men) and that she is being pursued through a post-apocalyptic landscape by people that want her baby. That's exactly what is happens in Children of Men. Its basically a chase for most of the movie. I realize that they wrote this before Children of Men, but I still think they're going to have their hands full when the critics start drawing the similarities. Honestly, reading the synopsis, I felt like I was reading a description of Children of Men. But I still think the production looks great, and you did a great job. Maybe you should rent Children of Men and see why people are drawing the comparision. At least then you could re-cut the trailer to show how Like Moles, Like Rats, is not the same story.

Dale Stoltzfus
September 14th, 2007, 11:22 AM
Wow, that really looks great. I love the radio setup - it looks awesome! I really like the saturated, contrasty look that I see in a lot of the clips - not overdone and not cliche. It's a look that seems to really support the movie well.

Bruce Foreman
September 15th, 2007, 11:01 PM
How is this one going to be distributed?

Theaters, or straight to DVD?

I want to see it!

The trailer looks like the visuals will be stronger than Children of Men.

Daniel Broadway
September 16th, 2007, 08:43 AM
How is this one going to be distributed?

Theaters, or straight to DVD?

I want to see it!

The trailer looks like the visuals will be stronger than Children of Men.

As of now, I believe they are going to be "shopping" it out to studios next week. Whoever buys it will then decide if it gets a theatrical release, or if it will be a DVD release only movie. I do not know yet at this point.

I will keep everyone here advised however. :)

Tyson Perkins
September 17th, 2007, 01:31 AM
We of course are accepting that Children Of Men was long before a book by P.D. James?

Daniel Broadway
September 17th, 2007, 01:35 PM
We of course are accepting that Children Of Men was long before a book by P.D. James?

I've only read 4 books in my entire life (I'm 24), so no, I didn't know that. :P

Tyson Perkins
September 19th, 2007, 06:34 AM
Yes - dont worry buddy this is not aimed at you at all :) simply the script writers! but i mean its just a trailer - i'll have to evaluate it as a whole obviously before making assumptions

Bill Schweikert
September 21st, 2007, 12:42 PM
Several years ago a good pal came to me asking if his play could be made into a film. Ron Harris wrote the play "Like Moles, Like Rats" almost 20 years ago.
After bringing Jim Torrres onboard the project to direct, we began the years long task (for us) of transforming a theatrical play into a screenplay. A Post Apocalyptic period piece we could shoot on a low budget- yeah we're nuts. I spent a long time scouting locations near to us that had an amazing "look" giving the film production value far beyond it's budget.We are lucky to have Daniel working with us on the digital effects, which look awesome. We shot on HD not only because of budgetary constraints, but also to be able to hand images off to Daniel very quickly.

Matt Buys
September 21st, 2007, 03:43 PM
I enjoyed the trailer and wish you the best of luck with your film. Looks fantastic. I know it's low priority but if you send it to any film festivals in the southeast keep your website updated because I'd like to watch it.