View Full Version : EX Mentions

Kyle Self
September 10th, 2007, 04:24 PM
I was reading an IBC write up on another site and they had a couple of harsh things to say about the EX. Now mind you they had never actually touched one and that was what threw me. The whole mention on the EX was based upon sour grapes because they haven't been given one to review.

They wanted to see what would happen when "legit" people reviewed the camera rather than web based sources. Apparently some people are feeling the sting and think outlets like this are stealing their importance. Personally I don't understand how you could get any more "legit" than people who are actually using the equipment talking about it between themselves.

That just confirmed my thoughts that this is one iof the best places on the net with some of the best people.

Many thanks to Chris for creating this space.


George Johnston
September 10th, 2007, 05:31 PM
IBC, IOV etc, etc. It's been this way for more years than I can remember, a big player brings out a piece of kit and not everyone's life or should I say HYPE and SPIN. A camera is like a car it's a means to an end, some cars look better and have some cool features but not everyone agrees, the EX has a fair amount of sexiness with Sony's 1st dip into professional solid state cards with the SxS card, the 1st ever HD only camera to be priced at under £4.5K, the 1st HD £4.5K camera to give us low light chips, the 2nd £4.5K camera to sport a 14x Fujinon pro lens (1st must go to JVCs HD100 series) 3 firsts and a 2nd...OPPs Sony will kil me if I leave off the 1st to sport the CineAlta badge at this price range...but that's a Sony thing frankly the CineAlta does nothing for me. Forums like this are awash with cameramen/women talking about this camera, myself included but I took stalk yesterday when I was out with my dogs and I met a fellow dog walker and friend who was blind...he has a permanent fade to black, would love to see the blue sky, green grass and a 16:9 HD picture but in all probability he never remember it's because of your 500MP eyesight that you can start to enjoy the great pictures the EX will give us...sometimes it does you good to step back and think what's "really" important in life.

Greg Boston
September 10th, 2007, 06:58 PM
George, if we had a post of the month award, I'd nominate your last one. Very true about many not appreciating what technology is giving us for tools in image making. And the very fact that most of us are blessed to be able to take in those images.

Great job of putting things in perspective!
