View Full Version : Cineform cause error even after removal

Malameel Shawky
September 8th, 2007, 07:37 PM
I installed Cineform on my machine and now when I try to export a file from Quicktime, it crashes.

Open file
Export (Chose QT Movie)
Click settings to chose codec and bam -crash!
Somtimes I get buffer over run error or it just crashes and disapperars.

When trying to work in After Effects 7, if I chose to not use the Cineform loader, then it is more stable. I unistalled it, but teh errors are still there. I update QT and the errors are still there.

I am running XP64bit and all my software is update including cinefrom.

When I can use Cineform program (HDLink) without the Cineform codec, I will be so happy! I would pay double!

David Newman
September 8th, 2007, 10:55 PM
Doesn't sound like our error as I never heard of this, but please file a trouble ticket so support can do more investigation.

Malameel Shawky
September 10th, 2007, 03:22 PM
I downloaded the demo.

Can I still make a trouble ticket?

At this point, I just want to remove all hints of Cineform.

David Newman
September 10th, 2007, 03:41 PM
The un-install removes pretty much everything, so something else is up with your PC. You can ask support of course, they can point to directories to manually remove if the uninstall didn't, however the issue really has to be elsewhere.

Malameel Shawky
October 25th, 2007, 04:00 PM
Now the new computer that has CineForm that I just purchased will not export from QT anymore either... This is a different computer than the one originally listed on this thread. I tried two other computers and it won't even install on those.

I did do a uninstall, regedits to remove and reinstall doing the same with Premiere but QT is still cribbled as well as Premiere.

The coincidence is pointing to CineForm.

David Newman
October 25th, 2007, 04:15 PM
I never heard of this so work with support.

Malameel Shawky
October 25th, 2007, 05:01 PM
I am working with support.

I feel that "IF" other people are having issues, they shouldn't feel alone or that they need to be silenced. A community should be about sharing experience, good or bad and all news benefits the community. (Deleting threads only hurt the community because those are experiences that maybe help another who may blame themselves for an error when there could be a simple issue with the software so they are seeking the advice of others.)

I do hope to resolve the issue but there is something going on. I am only searching for an answer or help.

David Newman
October 25th, 2007, 05:24 PM
Work with support first, otherwise users and myself stop reading here as it will get really borrowing. If you report on open tickets that hampers your and everyone else ticket processing. Stop it, please.

Malameel Shawky
October 25th, 2007, 08:06 PM
If you report on open tickets that hampers your and everyone else ticket processing. Stop it, please.

I am sorry. I did not know that a public forum was confusing your internal database so I will stop. I just thought information was in everybody's interests.

Carl Middleton
October 25th, 2007, 08:37 PM
Seriously dude,

Cineform's software is a heckuva lot more stable than most video software I use. All my problems went back to Adobe, NOT Cineform.

Meanspirited posts like yours deter people from wanting to help you, you under stand that, right? Cineform's support has been nothing but top-notch in my experience, and the experience of this rather large community.

In the last month, you are the only person I have seen not gush over the responsiveness of their tech support, and myself and others have watched you be helped. I've watched David tell you numerous times to *talk to support*, but still continue to answer your questions. He's told you the proper way to handle the problem, and the reasons why, for instance in this case that he does not know the answer to your problem, to talk to support. Yet, he's been very nice and helpful from what I've seen, despite repeatedly ignored messages to file a trouble ticket. File it, and let the man get some peace. They have enough to worry about in 'Diego right now without working on your problem twice.


Christopher Glaeser
October 25th, 2007, 09:15 PM
I feel that "IF" other people are having issues, they shouldn't feel alone or that they need to be silenced.

We all appreciate your frustrations of a time crunch. In a perfect world, you should have tested the workflow before hiring an editor, but life's not perfect and we've all been there done that. We empathize with your situation and we are all trying to help you. And yes, shared experiences are helpful. However, Cineform is one of the most responsive companies in the industry, and David is one of the most helpful employees of any forum on the net. In addition, the product is very solid, and many, many problems reported on this forum turn out to be some other application or hardware problem. And yet, David and Cineform tech support work to resolve the problem, often adding hooks to Cineform products to end-run problems in other applications.

That is why, Malameel, a post that starts with "Cineform" and "very buggy?" in the same title is considered way over the top to some members of this forum. If you are asking, are the Cineform products very buggy, I and others can assure you the answer is absolutely not. So, let's all just move on from that topic, as any further discussion in that vain is not helpful to anyone.

In summary, Cineform tech support and David are quite responsive and helpful. They know your money meter is running, and they will work quickly to resolve the problems. Best of luck, and I look forward to reading about your Cineform questions/experiences in the future.


Malameel Shawky
October 25th, 2007, 11:14 PM
I promise one thing, I really am not trying to flame or bash or harm anybody and if it has been taken any other way, then I do apologize. I hope my frustrations do not seem more menacing then that of circumstances.

(Also, please note that this thread is not called buggy, but yes, the other thread was... This is about a problem that occurred on two different computers at QT stopped working after installing CineFrom.) I am just seeing if anybody has had similar experiences. I am guessing that since there are few replies, then no. See, I did learn something and so did everybody else.

I did test the workflow, but obviously not enough. I wouldn't not have paid for Prospect HD and hired and editor if I didn't but I probably did so in haste. I was happy that it all did seemed perfect but in when really using it I did run into problems.

Also, after viewing on here so many happy users, I know there has to be a successful and easy way to make it work. Maybe somebody here has had a similar experience and can shed some light. So far, the last response was that they didn't know. So normally communities would be helpful. Being told you can't talk about one's issues, even if valid, seems funny for a forum, especial since all I want is help and maybe people other than CineFrom can help.

You have been quite nice and helpful and a kind ear is sometimes all we need and a positive attitude. (tell me to be quite and submit a ticket is not nice when other could help, IMHO.) So thank you, Christopher. Again, if this is taken any other way than informative, I apologize.