View Full Version : Spider brace or alternative for vx2100

Jim Sobolewski
September 8th, 2007, 04:15 PM
I am filming bands up in the front of the stage and holding this cam for 2hrs. is not easy for me.I need something to simulate a shoulder mount camera.Any advice.Looking at the spider brace but since the camera is front heavy i have my doubts this will help at all.

Ron Anderson
September 8th, 2007, 05:02 PM
I have a Spider Brace for my 2100 and you are right about front heavy cameras. Although it is better than nothing, it does take some muscle to use over a long period. I go with a tripod as much as possible and when hand held I press the camera agains my cheek to help steady it. Have you thought about a monopod?


Mike Rehmus
September 8th, 2007, 06:22 PM
Unless you want the 'immediacy' look of handhold, a tripod will give you much better video but at the price of not being as flexible. Now if you could use a crane up there!

If you get a monopod, be aware that a rigid-head monopod is more limiting than a tripod. I always thought a monopod with a foot strap and a reasonably stiff spring under the head would be a good compromise.

J. Stephen McDonald
October 15th, 2007, 03:22 AM
If you need mobility and comfort in a shoulder-mount for a hand-held type camcorder and the commercial models don't satisfy you, there's two ways to solve it: 1. Work for a large TV station or production company, that has in-house equipment specialists to build a better one for you. 2. Make it yourself.

I've made several variations on my own shoulder-mount and have used them with everything from 17-lb. Sony Beta camcorders, to 14-oz. still cameras. I've designed them to spread the weight over several contact points and I can hold them for long periods without significant fatigue. The foam pad that rests on my ribs is a key to offsetting front-heavy cameras. I've made them to precisely fit myself, which no mass-produced model could do. I can squeeze-off still shots at full zoom and slow shutter speeds, with the stability it gives me. The ability to shoot steady video at full zoom and not have the limitations of a tripod, has a high importance, especially with wildlife and sports.

Here is a picture of the full rig for my VX2100 and one for a still camera. I rarely leave the bottom, counter-weighted section attached and have much smaller alternative mikes, so it isn't as cumbersome as you'd think on most occasions. The way it's set-up for the still camera, is how it usually is for video. If you search my name on the Support Your Local Camera and Under Water, Over Land forums, you can find detailed descriptions of how they're made. Here's a link to one of the threads. Follow it for the several replies I made.