View Full Version : Sony PMW-EX1 Reviews

Ian Holb
September 7th, 2007, 04:42 PM
I created this thread really for my benefit. I'll try updating it weekly for the next couple of months as reviews pour in from around teh internets.


Alister Chapman's The New Sony XDCAM PDW-EX1, A first user review.* - discussion, original article (, sonybiz ( (sept 6, 2007)

Simon Wyndham's Another look at the EX - discussion, original article ( (sept 7, 2007)

Official Brochure - discussion, AU download link (

* includes frame grabs

Stu Holmes
September 7th, 2007, 04:48 PM
And Nigel Cooper's review :

Steve Collins
September 20th, 2007, 02:09 PM
Another review here:

Barry Kay
March 18th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I noticed there are lots of "views," but few comments.

I guess most of us don't know what to say yet.

#!> I'm surprised that the price appears to be so low: $6,500 at B&H.

#2> Good comments about the picture quality (what counts the most for me)

#3> Bad comments about the balance, position of buttons, manual controls.

#4> Apparent GOP; which has some negative comments.

#5> I'm not certain but it seems you only get the best quality HD out of the SDI??.

#6> It is 4:2:2 , I think.

It would be nice to hear more.

Sean Donnelly
March 18th, 2008, 08:12 PM
I would largely agree with those statements.

1)It is very affordable. the cost/minute of the expresscards is very low as well.
2)With the exception of some rolling shutter problems, the image quality is GREAT
3)I think most people complaining about the balance are expecting a different type of camera. Just because it isn't a shoulder mount doesn't make it a single handed camera (even then it's not terrible for short times).
4)It is interframe(GOP). I wish it wasn't. That being said, it is better than HDV, and honestly I have yet to see a compression artifact.
5)The best quality does come from the SDI port, however it will only output 60i as far as I know.
6)The camera head is 4:2:2, and the SDI can output this. The XDCam codec used to write to the cards however is 4:2:0.

Anthony Bristol
March 19th, 2008, 02:34 AM
Good idea! Here's some more for the list;

Adam Wilt, in depth review.

Antonio Tibaldi

Ned Soltz

John Burkhart

Mike Jones