View Full Version : Help from Netscape users please

David Hurdon
September 7th, 2007, 08:27 AM
I'm shooting for a series of transparent flash video overlays next week and the client's web supplier is telling me that the sample I directed him to won't appear in Netscape 7, and is jerky in Internet Explorer - on a high speed satellite connection. I've never had a report of performance issues on any of my newest examples and I'm dubious about this gentleman's input. Might I ask anyone using the Netscape browser, particularly ver. 7, to check out and let me know if the transparent video (of me) appears and plays on top of the image that forms a banner of sorts across the top of the page? Thanks for the help.

David Hurdon

Christopher Lefchik
September 7th, 2007, 08:25 PM
Happened to have Netscape 7 installed on this computer, so I fired it up and tried out the Web page. Your Flash clip played fine. Also tried the page in IE 7, and it played just fine in that browser as well.

My hunch is that the gentleman needs to install the latest Flash players for both Netscape and IE. Adobe produces two separate versions, one for IE, and one for Mozilla/Netscape browsers, so he would need to visit the Adobe Flash page with each browser to update.

There's also the possibility that his computer might not be fast enough to play the Flash animation at full quality.

David Hurdon
September 8th, 2007, 06:17 AM
Many thanks, Christopher. I appreciate the reassurance.

David Hurdon