Paul Mailath
September 7th, 2007, 03:14 AM
I was wondering how to use the remote control that came with the A1 without rushing around to the front of the camera and ruining the shot.
$10 at the local electronic store bought me a small adjustable mirror - a couple of elastic bands and I'm away
Don Palomaki
September 7th, 2007, 06:29 AM
A neat idea. Bicycle shops offer somewhat similar helmet mirrors. If acceptance angle is too narrow, one might try some reflective tape for wider dispersion. (Note that DVD players and vidio projectors can see remote control reflections off the screen.)
Shiv Kumar
September 8th, 2007, 01:27 AM
FYI: The remote works from behind the camera as well :).
Did you try it? I almost always use it because my tripod shakes each time I touch the start/stop button :)
Paul Mailath
September 8th, 2007, 04:52 AM
I did - that's why I came up with the mirror idea.
The only time the remote works from the back is if it's reflecting off something, like a window or some hard surface or .... a mirror.
The sensor for the remote is at the front within the mike housing - so if you're using it from the back,you must be bouncing the signal off something.
I can move the remote around and still get a reliable signal through, tried it today using start/stop and zoom while the camera was on a Flycam 5000 (unfortunately my lack of steadicam skills made the invention relatively useless - I could have smacked the zoom button with a lump of wood and had less movement!)
still - it's the idea that counts
Ken Wozniak
September 9th, 2007, 12:38 PM
It's also helpful to keep people from sneaking up behind you. :)
I often thought (only thought about it, though) about opening up the camera and putting another IR sensor in the rear of the camera. I know a thing or three about electronics, so I know I could do it. But there is always the chance that SOMETHING will go wrong. Extra parts left over and know.
They need a sensor at the back of the camera from the factory.
Gert Kracht
September 9th, 2007, 02:27 PM
Hi Paul,
I almost fell from my chair, laughing. It's looking so very funny!
But it's also a brilliant and simple solution to the problem.
I have to put one of the photo's on my XH-A1 weblog. May I?
Paul Mailath
September 10th, 2007, 12:21 AM
go for it - you've just got to come up with a nifty technical name that will make people think it's a highly engineered addon :-))
Greg Boston
September 10th, 2007, 12:25 AM
Note that DVD players and vidio projectors can see remote control reflections off the screen.)
And cameras! Both my Panasonic 953 and the Sony F350 can see the remote from the rear if you point it at the flip out LCD screen. Perhaps this is why Shiv had success while Paul did not.
Peter Jefferson
September 10th, 2007, 12:54 AM
Paul when i saw the word dodgy, i KNEW you were Aussie.. lol
ok, heres a lil tidbit not many people know about..
go grab an optical fibre cable (the same cable you use for your DVD player to Amp connection.. )
Now connect one end to the IR node of the remote and use electrical or gaffa tapeto keepit in place. U can use hot glue to create a "shell" which can hold the Optical end to the IR node without pernmanently damaging the Remote.
This can easily be picked off if need be later on..
now with the other end, position it to the IR reciever node on the cam. BluTak (chewing gum like stuff for those that dont know what it is) will hold the cable in place, and obvioulsy also remove quiete easily..
SO theres a Lanc via IR.. pity the remote is digital.. would have loved an analogeous IR remote then we wouldnt need LANCs
Gert Kracht
September 10th, 2007, 02:51 PM
Eye-xtender......and that's how I called it on my webpage....