View Full Version : Cannot import MXF from XDCam 530

Jiri Fiala
September 7th, 2007, 02:30 AM
Hello. A client came to me with hard drive full of MXF files captured from XDCam 530 in Avid (presumably XPress). I am unable to import it to any NLE - tried Premiere, FCP 6, Avid Xpress 5.7 and Vegas 7.

In case of Avid, I placed it into /AvidMediaFiles/MXF/1 folder according to some website (and ran Media Tool afterwards - it did not find anything).

Avid gives me "cannot import this file into a bin". Even Sony XDCam viewer cannot play those files ("DirectShow filter is not available").

I am sorry that I cannot give you any more info, but I haven`t got any. Is it possilbe that the clips got malformed during capturing? Thanks for any info.